MacRetro chat and rides thread

velomaniac":1cnou0rm said:
Kaiser, no pics of the BSA and not likely either, you seem to think I've got it all racer style and authentic, its not, more hybridised flat bar with 32mm wide tyres, mudguards and rack, its a commuter workhorse. Still looking for a skinny tubed/tyred racer, preferably a Peugeot with internally brazed lugs :D

Still disnae mean we don't want to see a pic. :D
Picture will be forthcoming eventually along with some other steeds, cant be bothered really but I suppose a little effort should be applied.

Also spotted an interesting racer with a 27" frame :shock: I'm not drawing attention to it and please don't either, I suspect I'll not get it but if its cheap enough and stays so I might try :wink:

Good luck on Thurday, Glentrool should be an epic, I'll pray for sun and sacrifice a goat ( I actually can lay hands on a spare goat at the mo :wink:)

velomaniac":1ol5akuy said:
ZigZag, the iDrivel might be a wee bit big for you as the go you gave me in the bonaly carpark made me think I fitted it just right :D

I know what you mean about that rocky descent but a lassy I know on a hardtail who is by no means a great mtb'r seemed to think it easily doable :shock:

Does she give lessons? :) Ach, my problem is mostly mental, I find if I just go for things without stopping or overthinking them then I usually muddle my way through.

iDrivel ownership has been a bit disappointing so far, still waiting for that one great ride where everything comes together. I'm just not feeling the same confidence that I have on the Spesh. I'll stick a decent rear on it, and drop the bars a bit and see if I can't get away from that 'sitting on top of it' feeling. If it doesn't work out, I'll strip it, sell the frame and move on to something else I suppose.

We should organise a black run, deffo.
velomaniac":oeoi0j9n said:
I know what you mean about that rocky descent but a lassy I know on a hardtail who is by no means a great mtb'r seemed to think it easily doable :shock:


I thought you were talking about downhilldave until you mentioned the hardtail bit :)
As usual merely saying posting the first thought that enters ones mind is not really necessary I become a HATER of these posts. What I hate is constantly being portrayed as a retrogrump despite having the least period correct/sympathetically restored fleet of bikes on this site that I do not constantly whitter on about down to the least minute detail :evil:

Harumph :?

velomaniac":nug5tjbk said:
As usual merely saying posting the first thought that enters ones mind is not really necessary I become a HATER of these posts. What I hate is constantly being portrayed as a retrogrump despite having the least period correct/sympathetically restored fleet of bikes on this site that I do not constantly whitter on about down to the least minute detail :evil:

Harumph :?

