MacRetro Rider
Very jealous of you lot hitting the Drum mid week 
Narrowed Velomobile probs down to something electrical, I'm not electric minded so need to get a Reliant versed mechanic on the job :roll:
As for race bars, no ta ! I get neck pain just thinking about them, I'll stick to flat bars, cheers.
Mr. Panda, thanks for the frame, its now serving as a 10 speed commuter bike, well faster than a mountain bike.
Cheers Velo

Narrowed Velomobile probs down to something electrical, I'm not electric minded so need to get a Reliant versed mechanic on the job :roll:
As for race bars, no ta ! I get neck pain just thinking about them, I'll stick to flat bars, cheers.
Mr. Panda, thanks for the frame, its now serving as a 10 speed commuter bike, well faster than a mountain bike.
Cheers Velo