MacRetro chat and rides thread

OK Macretro Clan
Due to unforeseen circumstances two friends, I know, it’s hard to believe but I do have two friends have pulled out of coming to the XC MTB at Glentress on Saturday.
So that means I have two tickets to Saturdays elite women and elite mens XC World champs at Glentress.
If any Macretro clan up for it just message me and we will sort logistics. They are already sorted so are free to Macretro with no obligation to hang with the Dyer clan but as they are digital tickets you will just need to enter with us.
Merry Christmas to all in Macretroland, probably all snoozing now after Xmas dinner & a few ales/drams? 😅
Hope Santa was kind to you & brought you a few bike related bits?
Merry Xmas to all, just back from Xmas dinner with the family. I feel like the turkey did……..stuffed! Hope everyone had a great day.
Happy belated Christmas guys, hope you all had a great day. We certainly did up this way.
I have been working this week for the three days but then I have two weeks off!!!
Need to ride desperately as that two weeks ends with the Strathpuffer. My last one.
I have sworn I will not listen to Brian in July when he says ‘ enter, it will be fun’ anymore. Singlespeed of course and if by any chance I can get hold of a 27.5 rear wheel in a 135 quick release then I will run the Shand. Just put the Singlespeed spacers on. After that I am looking at a Rohloff if I keep it. So don’t want to build wheels for one ride. Been looking for a cheap one but can’t find any.
So if anyone has one just let me know.
I will be back online but just in case, have a great New Year and here’s to a fabulous 2024.

The last couple of days has been quite snowy here.

Lots of snow lying, which is good fun for the dog and our playing in the fields but can be a pain getting into work in the morning. Usually once out our quiet road and up to the main road into Thurso it is plowed and gritted. Last night we had a lot of snow come down and we also started getting 30 to 40 mph winds drifting it across the roads. Our small road being one that doesn't get gritted or plowed meant that it was soon built up in waves a couple of feet high.

I had the work van home with me the night before and there was no way it was getting up the road as the 4X4 of the farmers only made it half way. I then decided that I would commute in on the Pugsley, or at least give it a half hearted try, might not get into work but at least I would get a ride in the snow :)

Our road was pretty deep and on the main road there was a good three inches of snow blowing around hiding the ruts underneath. I tried a couple of the back roads to stay off the main road and out of the way of what minimal traffic there was, but these were just a couple of tyre tracks in the snow for the most part.

So I didn't succeed in getting into work, not quite what I would class as a failure, but I did get a good ride and solid workout in, as well as spent quality time with Pugsley. So a pretty good day I think.

Later on one of the locals came with a teleporter and bucket and scooped the road clear but the wind and snow was coming in so fast within half an hour it looked like he had never been done. So may not be able to get in tomorrow unless something else happens overnight.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking back down my road to the home
Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Half an hour after it was plowed
Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
New bike day today! 😎

Wee write up here:

A very beautiful place to ride and have only followed the road to the estate, not actually ventured up into the hills. Definitely will be now. Stunning photos and a really lovely new bike. Congratulations!
Didn't know our very own Keith was a fan of the borealis? Or that he'd moved out of the Fifedom? 😅


Does he even visit RB these days? 🤔

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