MacRetro chat and rides thread

I remembered the other day that I have a MTB event coming up quite soon (if Covid doesn't cancel it again ), "Strathpuffer" or something like that, anyway, zero training done, and zero fu*ks given 😂.
Is anyone else here doing it this year? Epicyclo? It would be nice to see some friendly faces on what will without doubt be the worst 24hrs of my life!
Jimo, Brian and I are both in again, both solo as well. Always friendly faces :)
In fact we will most likely be riding up that way this weekend for global Fatbike day before heading to Inverness later after lunch for the Kidical mass ride.

Oh, it will be an experience alright ;)

Don't worry. One thing I've learned from doing all the Puffers on a singlespeed is you're soon too numb to care...

It's a very simple race, all you have to do is not stop and you'll beat nearly half the field.

It's fun, variety unknown. :)

Meanwhile I've been struck with a succession of injuries and maladies that have been keeping me off the bike, so there goes the training. Current one is an infection in my knee from a pedal strike.

Oh, training? Never get round to it anyway, so that's nothing new.

Jim, if you need any advice on surviving the race, just ask.
None of it will be any good if you're wanting to be competitive though, but it might mean you're still going when the competitive types have run themselves into the ground.
My advice which is useless but is based on 2 x Mountain Mayhem 24hrs is slow and steady. Killing yourself trying to achieve loads of laps on a course you've never ridden on an event you've never done is daft. Be disciplined about breaks, don't skip one as it'll bite you later. If you need sleep then sleep but maintain discipline, don't give up, get up and get going when you can. Don't overdo the coffee or energy drinks, excess can upset the guts and cause cramping etc.
Choose a reliable bike that you can easily fix and have plenty spares such as brake pads. Possibly have a choice of tyres as conditions change on the course over time.
Look out for your pals as they can often be the motivation to keep going.
Finally remember that after 24hours of slogging your guts out around that course, driving your car straight home afterwards might be an ask too much.
Some years ago I did Strathpuffer Lite, the 12 hour summer version with Kaiser and Brian on a single speed. It's tough in summer so it's way tougher in winter but the scenery, when you can see it, is fantastic. I crashed out literally on my 5th lap and then went to my bed. Wish they'd hold the lite version again, 12 hours at the right time of year is braw.
Well, there'll be no "racing" taking place, but survival would be nice, don't want to end up like "Bill" 💀😂
The "plan" (if you can call it that) is to have a nice ride in the countryside, stop for a brew every few laps, and see how I feel. If I need a nap then I'll take one.
I have a van (not a campervan) complete with sleeping bag & mat, portable power wash thingy, a full-suspension bike with mudguards and lights, some ice spike tyres, spare brake pads & chain, tools, a jetboil & food/drink, various cycling clothes, and that's about it.
Ordered myself some "pogies" , and have Sealskinz waterproof socks on my Xmas list.

The way I see it there's a few ways I might end it early.... Unfixable mechanical issue.... excessive butt chafing.... Physical injury.... Running out of lights/batteries might curtail the nocturnal activities.
If I can avoid those things then at least I should complete the 24hrs, maybe.

Brian & Jamie, will you guys have a "Pit" area?
Brian & Jamie, will you guys have a "Pit" area?
I'm going to bring a stool to leave on top of some tools and spares as my pits. No set up faff.
Oh, and a poncho for standing around in if it's sleeting.
No shelter, bed etc. I've found those fripperies sap motivation.
The event marquee provides shelter if that's necessary.
I might bring a spare pair of sandals in case they get too wet.

If Jamie brings his van, then I'll be his best friend... :)

The most important thing is an utterly reliable bike, so singlespeed, no suspension, flat pedals.

If you are using disks, bed in your spare brake pads. (Although pad material has improved dramatically over the last 10 years)

Pogies are essential IMO if we get sleet.

Eat small and frequently, especially if it's proper cold. No amount of insulation will keep you warm if your body is not producing heat.

One thing that catches out people not used to high effort in sub-zero is exhaustion. The stuff your body uses to power your muscles is the same stuff that provides the heat. Get exhausted and you're sure to get hypothermic to some degree. The secret to survival is the discipline of not over-exerting yourself, especially early in the race because no amount of fancy gels etc will help. I deliberately walk some of the steeper bits to conserve energy even though there is very little on the course that is actually hard.

Ultimately your race depends not on your muscles, but on how fast your stomach can convert your food into energy (IMO).
Thanks Brian, singlespeed 👍🏻 flat pedals👍🏻 no suspension... I'll just have to ride what I've got, at least I can lock the forks out.
Thanks Brian, singlespeed 👍🏻 flat pedals👍🏻 no suspension... I'll just have to ride what I've got, at least I can lock the forks out.
I should probably mention you're welcome to share our pits. I was talking to Jamie today, our pits will be more civilised than my usual. :)
Have you got studded tyres?

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