MacRetro chat and rides thread

Brian, look at Reyt Pack in the rides and events section, it's got you written all over it. I will be testing out my entry on 3rd January for our festive frolic ride if that's allowed to go ahead🤔
Here, here Clubby.
Hope you have all had a good Christmas and managed to make the most of the decent weather. I had the four days off and managed a few rides as well as a lovely relaxing Christmas with the family. Will stick a couple of photos up in the show us thread.

Happy New Year Velo and all here at Macretro.
I hope you all had a nice day and wish everyone a Happy and safe 2022. I also hope we can all get together at some point and ride together once again. Maybe a February Baltic Bawbags ride???

In case you hadn't noticed, it's blowing a hoolie out there today folks! Turned a quick ride into a battle against the wind to get back home 😆
Hopefully not too many trees come down as the trails were just beginning to re-open after the last storm.