MacRetro chat and rides thread

Now this I think possibly only Brian would agree is a proper single speed off road bike. I shall probably die in Yorkshire but it might survive better than all of my wooden bike attempts :) View attachment 562137
Been off the 'net lately (thanks BT)

That's a proper bike Velo. Sadly I won't be there. Don't worry about the brakes, there's plenty room behind the downtube to wedge a foot against the tyre.
If you are working hard........... Brian this is single speed, you know that walking around pushing your bike and talking toot with others followed by a beer is the norm, certainly not working hard🤣
I think wellies would be suitable.
If you cut the toe off they'll drain the water out faster too ...
I have pulled out of single speed championships this year. Physical and mental health is the cause, cannot face the event. As I now know I am in the shallow end of the Autistic spectrum and thus I cannot cope with a field of strangers I cannot relate to. Cannot face the journey down and back and cannot beat back the the black dogs of depression. I find I need a couple of folk present I know who I am relaxed around but as Jamie and Brian are not there this year I do not really know anyone else sufficiently to be relaxed. I have coped with these issues at events past but this year I just cannot get past them. All this lock down has messed up many peoples confidence who have mental health issues and alas I am one of them.
Hey, I'll be there Velo! Well, maybe.... I know what you mean though.
My original plan was to go down for the weekend and visit family at the same time, only the visiting family seems to have overtaken the bike event, not sure I can find the time, or even be arsed , to spend most of the Saturday driving over there and pushing my bike around the course.
I have pulled out of single speed championships this year. Physical and mental health is the cause, cannot face the event. As I now know I am in the shallow end of the Autistic spectrum and thus I cannot cope with a field of strangers I cannot relate to. Cannot face the journey down and back and cannot beat back the the black dogs of depression. I find I need a couple of folk present I know who I am relaxed around but as Jamie and Brian are not there this year I do not really know anyone else sufficiently to be relaxed. I have coped with these issues at events past but this year I just cannot get past them. All this lock down has messed up many peoples confidence who have mental health issues and alas I am one of them.
Hope you feel better soon Velo.
As I now know I am in the shallow end of the Autistic spectrum
That surprises me


Actually seriously though, how do you get on riding a route that you've not ridden before, as its all new and that in itself is somewhat off putting for me. I need to know where Im going. I don't like instant decision surprises.

Either way, hope you get over those black periods 😁 Which you have to really. Theres unfortunately no set in stone solution, you really just need to take a deep breath and force yourself onward.
I remembered the other day that I have a MTB event coming up quite soon (if Covid doesn't cancel it again ), "Strathpuffer" or something like that, anyway, zero training done, and zero fu*ks given 😂.
Is anyone else here doing it this year? Epicyclo? It would be nice to see some friendly faces on what will without doubt be the worst 24hrs of my life!

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