MacRetro chat and rides thread


Base camp bikes are in Grantown on Spey. Used to have the shop at Laggan as well before it closed down.
Flotec used to be Edinburgh but moved to Dunkeld. They closed up last year as Taj and Jules got an offer to be a Fox tech on the World Cup Circuit full time.

Shame, as they were an easy drop off and pick up for me. Nice to be able to go in and chat over tuning options as well. Stirling Bike Doctor looks like the nearest option for me now.
Anyone been to Glenlivet trail centre?
I'm going to be in Tomintoul for a wee family break 3-5th August and it would be a shame not to visit the trails however my 19 year old daughter , who has never been mountain biking , wants to come with me !!
I'm sure she'd manage the blue but how red is the red? Some reds are more red than others and some reds are almost black so I'd like an honest opinion from those who have actually ridden it
Andy, it’s been five/six years since I went but here’s what I remember.
Blue was great but quite short. Flowed really well and you could just let the bike run off the brakes. Red loop starts half way round the blue and is pretty much one big climb followed by one big descent, then the rest of the blue. Nothing hugely technical, my mate has ridden it on a cross bike. However I did find it physically demanding. Descent is long and sustained, probably not much fun for a beginner.
Overall it’s a red in the same vein as Glentress black is a black.

Loads of potential, but has had no new money spent on it until recently and that’s been a jump line.

The Glenlivet Blue should be fine, my Mrs managed it fine a few years back, and she's neither fit, nor a cyclist. There's a few little places to take a break. The Blue is a Blue, certainly no harder. Like Clubby says the red follows the Blue then splits off on its own, there's a long climb and then a descent. Further on the Red there's a few little jumps/rollers but there's chicken runs down the side so you can avoid them.
I'd suggest riding the Blue trail, then back to the cafe (I assume it's still open?) for a break, then try the Blue again, or tackle the Red if the Blue felt a bit tame
They're good trails, nothing too technical, and definately worth a visit if you're in the area.

Anyone else bought decals from Slik Graphics before?
I've used them a few times for replacement Stans rim decals, and the quality is as good as the original manufacturer ones.

Anyway, Fox have put a stop on them making any Fox decals, which is a big part of their business, custom coloured fork decals.

It'd be a shame to lose the option to have custom decals, Fox or otherwise, so they've set up an online petition which people can sign, whether it'll change things is another matter....
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In fairness its a Fox Trademark and Slik are using it to make money. I dont agree with how Fox does business but they are within their rights to do it as they sell replacement decals too

Had Slik been clever they would have made them different enough that this would not be an issue but exact copies will always bring this sort of issue about

In fairness I've often wondered how Gil doesn't get nipped but then again most of his work is over 25 years old or commissioned by the builders....
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boxxer":27v8julc said:
Had Slik been clever they would have made them different enough that this would not be an issue

I guess this is what they'll do going forwards?