Saffron arrived back from repair with its lovely new paint job. A rather fetching shade of ...... well you’ll just need to wait and see!
Off on Wednesday and Sharron has lots of clubs with Logan, so I’ve a guilt free day in the garage.
New gear parts arrived from German internet, but strangely missing any cables other than a USB
Mental state not withstanding, most of you know my bike interest can be a bit strange and so now I am thinking Mini Velo.
WTF is Mini Velo, well its not mini me :roll: , its full size adult bikes with 20" wheels, the idea is big in Japan and the far east but making inroads into the west. Purpose built is currently a bit pricey so in proper Velomaniac style I am trying to build my own from junk spares that kick about my shed/hovels
Currently a Halfords BMX frame is getting linked to mtb forks, extended seatpillars and Xtra long stems. Will probably keep single speed and rag around the woods.
Piling down some tame single track on a 16" wheeled folding bike has shown me that the smaller the wheel the greater the off road challenge. Blue/Green grade trail suddenly becomes more exciting but less dangerous as red/black grade on a conventional big wheeler. This might be my off road preference as I get older and more fragile :facepalm:
I have had recumbent bikes in the past but as all your power needs to come out your legs because you cant stand up and use your weight to turn the cranks they are a serious pig to climb hills on. Further Velomobile's are as rare as hens teeth on UK roads and I suspect you would feel very vulnerable.