MacRetro chat and rides thread

Depends on the glasses!
Some glasses are bigger and squarer than others and those ones are unlikely to fit under any goggles. More face fitting styles are more likely to fit.
Re: Re:

RobMac":249lgpur said:
Question : Does anybody know if there's a DH goggle that can be worn over glasses?
Sorted, they do do them if you make a search include the term 'OTG' (over the glasses) so that's me sorted :twisted:

Just like to summarize 2015
2015 has been a bit of a mixed bag for me especially the second half, between injury, health and bereavement issues. I'm sure I've been a bit distant, a bit off at times for this I must apologise (to most of you) and to the others, you deserved it. Thanks for ignoring it at times and just letting it slide I guess that what real mates do, it is appreciated.

And no I haven't been drinking I know what drink can do to you (Keith) :mrgreen:

All the best for 2016 guys ;)
Theres a wee stick of some sort of wax available for glasses which prevents them from fogging up. May be a problem with them being inside the goggle.
I think most opticians stock it, but there may be a bike equivalent , M/bike type product maybe :?

Oh aye, talking about drinking............ Ive TWO bottle of spirits in :D

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