MacRetro chat and rides thread

Pain faces for those pro roadies today, always good to see the pro's pedaling squares in the closing km of the Fleche Walloone
A good race it was as well G :)
Not quite sure why really but I find it hard to be enthusiastic about a Valverde win again at Leige.
Though its not even on the scale of watching Rebellin win the mountain stage at the tour of Turkey tonight. I did wonder how popular that would be within the peleton, or whether they dont care or worry about that, ie: if he's there and free to race then he's fine.
I think the young french Etixx/Quick Step rider is definately going to be serious contender in the classics over the next few years as thats his second podium in a week. He has been towards the front since the start of the year.
Just my roadie thoughts I should keep to myself incase Velo hears me ;)


Oi !!!! uncalled for Jamie..........anyhoo didn't understand a word of it, might have been techy jargon about carbon cross weave for all i know :LOL:
Got to watch Jamie. Next thing we know he'll buy a roadie bike like a Merckx and be riding around with gears on it. Hard to know who to trust these days...

Hello all
Not been about lately as have been quite busy this last month with non bike/family stuff. Have had the odd rides locally and checked in on the forum sporadically when I can but generally quiet.
Weathers been crap here as well which doesn't help with limited time.
Spent a long weekend away driving 600 odd miles to Staffordshire so we could take Caleb to Thomasland, yes, Thomasland. We stayed in the hotel at Drayton Manor/Thomasland in a VIP Thomas themed room, which also gave Caleb and ourselves a special breakfast with the Fat Controller. We had 2 nights and two days at the park then we were back home for the Tuesday.
The following Tuesday we were heading south to catch a plane to Germany to visit our close friends Franzi and Nils who were getting married on Friday. The first day it was hot was the Tuesday driving south, we then spent the last week in 36 to 40.5 degree heat whilst in Germany. Brilliant holiday, wedding, catching up with friends and people who are close enough to be called family. Caleb was ring bearer and all dressed in his finest kilt etc. Great wedding, several days of celebrating, swimming before heading home last monday evening to land in Edinburgh with lashing rain and 12 degrees :( Welcome back.
The rain hasn't stopped since so its time to man up and get back out riding in it.


Who rides 650b in here? I'm curious, forget what the mags or manufacturers say what's the dia of the wheel with the tyre on (ground to top/tread) :?

I stood my 26er beside a 27.5er a few months back. The increase in diameter is not dramatic and thus I cannot see the point. A 26er with a 3" wide tyre works out at about the same diameter but looks much more purposefull, I have a Nokian Gazzaloddi 26 x 3.0 so I know this from experience not hearsay. A 29er is still noticeably bigger and thus has much more point. The 27.5er wheel is just the latest marketing hype.