MacRetro chat and rides thread


Aye, but downloads swamp them both ;)

As far as high end NEW bikes go 26" is dead. Doesn't mean tyres or rims will disappear anytime soon though. (For once) I agree with Velo, 650b isn't much of a change. It does roll better but not as well as a 29er. The main benefit (to bike companies) is its easier to design full sus bikes to fit smaller people than a 29" wheel. For hard tails 29 is still the best option.

If you need further proof, you know how big a bike tart I am and even I'm not tempted by a 650b.
Re: Re:

clubby":346e9rdv said:
If you need further proof, you know how big a bike tart I am and even I'm not tempted by a 650b.

Aye, but 650b is not aimed at guys like you who have already embraced the benefits of 29ers. Its for the square earthers who can't bring themselves to ride proper sized wheels. Oh, and short people, women and children.

I agree that 26" is dead for new high end bikes. The argument that we should have had 650b from the start is a good one. We only ended up with 26" as that is what was commonly available in America at the time. But whatever you believe the one thing for sure is the bike industry will keep finding new things to sell folk who want to spend their money.

My advice to you Rob is if you can't countenance buying a 29er then save your money. A 650b will not give you anything appreciably better than what you already have. ;)
sorta regret getting my 29er just before the 650b became popular. did consider a 650b but there was very little choice on the 650b front at the time. don't get me wrong I enjoy the 29er, especially when cruising along and especially on rocky rooty trails, but it's so dammed slow and cumbersome on tight windy singletrack (or is that just the rider)

still harboring notions of a Ritchey P-650b build

Stupid idea from my ever fertile mind.
I was talking with a coleague who is into his road cycling and we got talking about the various tours what with the Vuelta on at the moment. We got around to the tour of Britain once known as the Milk Race as sponsored by the now defunct Milk Marketing Board. You might have an inkling where I'm going with this by now.
Next year why not have a series of 4 MacRetro roadcycling meets in 4 locations around MacRetroland in May, June,July and August sponsored by the .......Mince Marketing Board. This organisation we know is alive and well in MacRetroland. We could call it the 'Mince Race'.
We could run a points system based on how many events you got to, best retrobike etc and then anounce a winner. Contest open to all from Retrobike.
Somebody take responsibility for a run in their neighbourhood, a loop of some kind on roads with a distance say around the 50 mile mark. I have a loop of pretty near that with two pub/cafe stops and lots of nice scenery. No need to actually ride a retrobike or for that matter a roadbike, just something you think could make the distance. Traditional carpark dash at the end.
Like or hate the idea ??????
