MacRetro chat and rides thread

Cool indeed! I was tempted to head up a look but events took another turn so I wound up rescuing some Caithness royalty from a car crash..

Props for sticking with it in the conditions.

Well done for competing, and completing it!

Saw Gil's instagram post and thought "that's gonna be a cold one!!" :xmas-big-grin:
I think it got down to minus ten, somebody said but I definately seen it hit minus 6.
It certainly felt cool when I was waiting for the change over around 2am in my long bibs with shorts on top when it started with the icy rain, quite heavy as well. If anything it makes it easier to set off as its warmer riding than standing waiting for someone to come in for a change over.
We had a wood heater in our awning so could huddle around when you came back in, get the marino stuff off and get the over gear on before you chilled right down. All good fun, made better this year as I was with mates rather than solo. I liked the change and definately the company, even if we came last it would have been a brilliant weekend, second was just a bonus.
Saying that I think I will be solo again next year, just for the personal challenge.

That would be cool Rob :)
I loved it this year and it was great to do well and podium in our class and get a trophy but its not how I usually race :) This race is more a personal thing, especially solo for 24 hours, for me anyway. Kaiser is well experienced at this thing so he may be able to be a bit more eloquent about it.
I'll remind you about this post in November when entries open ;)

I'll stick some pics up but anything specific you want to know about Rob?
Most of my stuff was posted already on the Fatbike forum, mainly as that was the team I was riding for. Though within that team of nine was three retrobike members, myself, GilM and DocS.
