MacRetro chat and rides thread

Were there that many spare bits when you took it apart?

Hope it mends quickly then, I guess you're not doing the Angus Cycle festival airbag then.

That's good you don't need surgery. :cool:
As to the physio, get onto them to get it started as soon as possible.
I know you've got a broken bone which needs to knit but when I got my elbow dislocated playing rugby, it was a month before I got an appointment. According to physio that was too late, as it's basically healed so can't then really be altered as to range of movement. I took my cast off on the Wed after it happened on the Sat as it was too tight and my hand was swelling up, it was supposed to be on for 2 weeks. By the next week I could climb, albeit carefully, at Alien Rock in Edinburgh. That's when the physio should have been started.
Same what I got told, even day after op I had to take it out sling to just move it a wee bit to free it up.

Worth getting a quick look over by a physio mate sooner rather than later.

Cheers Keith, just the way to remind what I couldn't do for the second week on my holiday :evil:

Only found out recently that there are 2 pro cyclists called Hannah Barnes.
Good to see my favourite on the video link ;)