MacFatro - Fatbike news and builds thread

Nice one Keith, welcome to the Fatside ;)
I'm sure you'll have a ball specing the 907.

OCP, I've seen a couple of Pugsleys with lefty forks. I think they work well with the Pugsleys offset wheel as in your pic. Lovely colour too that early Pugs, nice bars as well, choice of men with taste ;)

Nice ride this afternoon on the Pugsley.
Some real damage done on part of my favourite route in the last round of storms. Severe enough to dislodge a couple of WW2 anti tank blocks! Path disappeared into nothingness at one point and had to walk along fence line. A bit of traffic and a smooth line will reappear again, but another big swell and it could be game over for that section. A couple of new noticeable steps on the tide line as well where a load of stones have been washed in.
Can't have been much fun living in the beachside houses recently.
whats you guys thoughts on tyres ?

looking at either Husker DUs or Nates. Tim at sideways is recommending HDs as a great allrounder but might get some nates later for the mud/snow.

currently humming and hawing whether splashing out on the carver obeast fork for an extra £150 is worth it - clubby how you liking yours ?

reckon can get £500ish for the zaskar (using the formula brakes for the 907).
HD are often way too pricey.
Tyre choice dependent on what terrain you envisage riding the most. Nates are great if an aggressive tyres your desire but all those knobbles add weight and drag. For general riding a Larry up front is popular.
Vee Rubber tyres being sold by Triton Cycles are a good economic choice aswell as On-Ones floater and Maxxis are joining the fray.
Think about what terrain you'll most likely ride and decide from there.
For better advice join up with, you'll find all us MacRetro fatbikers lurking in there.

On forks remember On-One do both steel and carbon fat bike forks.
I recommend the Nates.

Nice fast downhill, loose turn at the bottom, no problem. With Larry's major slide.
This being Scotland the loose turn at the bottom might be mud, no fat tyre will save you then, a slide more likely. Occasionally skinny tyres out perform fat but dont tell the fatbike crowd, they're so wedded to the concept they wont listen to its faults :LOL:

I use a Nate up front but thats because I only have two fat tyres and I'm not buying more untill I've worn out what I have. They are super grippy and very tough but they are heavy.
velomaniac":ucm9n5vb said:
This being Scotland the loose turn at the bottom might be mud, no fat tyre will save you then, a slide more likely...

There is a depth of mud where nothing works, but I have experience of this. Big washouts with the Larry, and zip around with the Nate. I've got a few sets of tyres, and the Nate is best up to 4".
keithyr":fzwgelpd said:
whats you guys thoughts on tyres ?

currently humming and hawing whether splashing out on the carver obeast fork for an extra £150 is worth it - clubby how you liking yours?

I reckon the 120tpi Nates are a good all rounder. Not much heavier than HDs but a lot cheaper. From what I've seen huskers tend to wear quite quickly too. I wouldn't rush in though, a lot of new stuff coming to market.

£150 is a good deal for the Carver, I love mine.
On one carbon is about that as well but has hideous orange graphics which are lacquered over and don't come off!
I recommend the Nate Skin walls because they simply look cool, who needs performance. ... 7533-p.asp
