Love the one you're with

Don't think this will be any P20. I have said in the past "til one of us dies..." (A reference to the fact that they are only supposed to last one season of racing)

Mine is neither retro nor dream bike....but sure is a corker!

Bought in 1998 she has seen several builds and now wears some new modifications....

I will never part with this bike and to use P20's comment above

"til one of us dies..."

I can only ride one at a time...

but it's a great decision to have to make :cool:

I've never owned a Titanium frame... and when steel is this good why would I :?:
Well, my "one" bike has just died. The head tube's deformed, and the top tube's bent.
I wouldn't want another one the same, they're really not very good bikes.
Goodbye, Lazarus. :cry:

i'm loving my khs singlespeed at the minute. i have hardly ridden anything else since it was finished

For years I only had one bike, luckily it is a late '80s Explosif. I got it in the early '90's, and used it for everything. I have commutated on it, ridden off road on it, stuck panniers on it and toured with it (I even used it to ride from Tel Aviv to Cairo) and for a short while I worked as a courier on it in London.

During the years it has undergone a couple of rebuilds, and now is undergoing another, pics when it is finished (hopefully).

Riding any of the other bikes just makes me want to ride the Kona, but money is tight, so the build could take a while.
uktyler":uds0xkmb said:
For years I only had one bike, luckily it is a late '80s Explosif. I got it in the early '90's, and used it for everything. I have commutated on it, ridden off road on it, stuck panniers on it and toured with it (I even used it to ride from Tel Aviv to Cairo) and for a short while I worked as a courier on it in London.

During the years it has undergone a couple of rebuilds, and now is undergoing another, pics when it is finished (hopefully).

Riding any of the other bikes just makes me want to ride the Kona, but money is tight, so the build could take a while.
look forward to pics!
messiah":1cp3vm0n said:
I can only ride one at a time...

but it's a great decision to have to make :cool:

I've never owned a Titanium frame... and when steel is this good why would I :?:

letmetalktomark":37r9rr59 said:
Mine is neither retro nor dream bike....but sure is a corker!

Bought in 1998 she has seen several builds and now wears some new modifications....

I will never part with this bike and to use P20's comment above

"til one of us dies..."


I owned one of these, although mine had a Bomber. I'm guessing those are repro decals because mine were a bit different. That was definitely one of the best bikes I ever owned; it may not have been the lightest, but the ride was buttery smooth -almost as if I was riding a couch on the trails. Imo-the best Konas were pre-2000 and they were really hitting their stide from 97-00.