Lost Souls of Retro©™ Mayhem 2016 (the count down begins)

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That's what happens when you trust them Panaracer Darts, Regan! :roll:

Seriously, don't take it too seriously!
Re: Lost Souls of Retro©™ Mayhem 2016 call to arms -yeah 2016 !

Cheers Andy, cheers Mike, but in all seriousness I am nowhere near one-lap fit yet, let alone do one lap on Saturday and another on the Sunday, diabetic or not :oops:

I'm managing a 4½ mile route locally with ease now, building some strength and fitness but there's barely a climb on it. So that's what I need to work on and build some stamina. I want to be able to enjoy it without being completely knackered :LOL:

Do any of you have a course layout / profile showing the climbs and descents? I'll take a look on the Mayhem website but any info you have to share will be appreciated ;)

Just to let you know that i'll be bringing some tat to shift onto you lot as per usual :D
Included will be three large boxes of MBUK's and MBI's from 1989 to 1999 that i want to shift.
Re: Re:

Gruff":1pqg7o8t said:
Just to let you know that i'll be bringing some tat to shift onto you lot as per usual :D
Included will be three large boxes of MBUK's and MBI's from 1989 to 1999 that i want to shift.
I'm up to the rafters here with MBUKs & MBIs, even a few MBAs, so no shifting on my direction unless:
a) Tomac is on the cover (in which case, DIBS!!)
b) Tomac is in a feature (ditto the above!)
c) Anything about Tomac, his bikes, his kit, his anything (DIBS!)
d) As above but for any Alpinestars stuff.

Oh, and don't forget I'm bringing the NOS Judy wiper/dust seals for you G-man ;)
Re: Lost Souls of Retro©™ Mayhem 2016 call to arms -yeah 2016 !

The History Man":1vg92n2o said:

Yeah IIRC didn't he ride for Sir Alfreds "McAlpine Stars" team, back in the day :facepalm:

That's why Regan got that recent Tarmac graze tattoo on his leg done
In homage to the lesser known UK based factory pilot.
Re: Lost Souls of Retro©™ Mayhem 2016 call to arms -yeah 2016 !

I'll be fetching some magura MD100R forks and a 17" Orange clockwork (1991) to sell ,will have a rumage in my spares box as well to see if there's anything surplus to requirements

I'm not training, I should be but I'm not. Not practicing night riding, I really should be but I'm not. I am reasonably fit but not athletic so I'm just going with that:roll:

I'll make sure my lights are fully charged, strap them to Frank, light them up, climb aboard and start pedaling. I have only two ambitions, one is to do my two laps eventually, two is not to crash. As you can guess I lack the go get enthusiasm of the serious racer :LOL:
Re: Lost Souls of Retro©™ Mayhem 2016 call to arms -yeah 2016 !

Hahaha :LOL:
I can't help it, I idolised him as a kid :p

And the off-road rash is from traversing a man-made bridge along the local cycle route, made of like a wisadeck planking with every fourth or fifth plank covered in high-grip coating. Like the roughest sandpaper in the world :cry:
Re: Re:

velomaniac":akgukozh said:
I'm not training, I should be but I'm not.
Not practicing night riding, I really should be but I'm not.
I am reasonably fit but not athletic so I'm just going with that:roll:


Carlsberg don't do training regimes but if they did it wouldn't be like this ^^^ :LOL:

That my friends is the words of a true athlete.... One who's gonna get fueled up on beer and energy drinks and then chunter all the way round to himself "oh fcuking Hell" at every twist/turn/undulation, .... have about an hours kip (due to staying up and telling war stories about his heroic lap to anyone who's still awake or sober enough to listen)
...and then fueled only by a cold burger or dry bit of Pizza roll out of bed to do it all again. :D

^^^ The Perfect team mate if you ask me
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