London to Brighton on an old Marin

Yep the road version on the 10th September (next weekend) . I haven’t actually thought about how I’m getting home from Brighton yet so coming back off road could be a proper day out and my only option haha

You will be able to take the train back to London with your bike (if it's anything like it was when I did it).
Thinking back I've seen people completing the ride on bikes that wouldn't look out of place on a "Call the Midwife" set, a couple of Raleigh Choppers, and a Penny Farthing, so your well maintained Marin should p_ss it. :cool:
You‘ll make it easily. You’ll likely find that the Marin is extremely comfortable and efficient. I have one built in similar fashion and prefer it much more than the other bikes in the garage. Something about the elegant simplicity of the 1x drivetrain and street tires makes you feel that you can ride forever. Hydrate well and keep your cadence steady. That Marin has more soul that any of those new trendy chinesium bikes.
2h3n I did it they were restricting bikes to something like 4 per train. Very long queue of bikes in the station. I was tempted to cycle to the next station in and get in there.

There will probably be a strike whether you can take a bike on a train anyway.
I have some 1.5" bontrager tyres you can have for the cost of postage.