LIGHTEST CARBON HUB EVER MADE ? guess the weight for a prize

Prize is top secret and to be honest I did not realise he double guessed as I am on my notebook and have scrolled right over so did not see user name :oops: but he guessed right so sorry guys :oops: Next competition will be up on saturday though ;)
marin man":2b5w4bkk said:
No probs mate you won so the prize is yours :cool: post up when you receive the prize. ;) :cool:


Although FluffyChicken's post has me worried. :? Is it half a titanium seatpost hacked out of a frame? A stripped out ti quill stem wedge? A used Ringle' branded "team edition" titanium heroine spoon from Missy Giove's private stash? :LOL:

I'm giddy with anticipation! :shock: :D
Do'nt worry not a titanium bomb or anything that great ;) but is a good useable titanium object and almost pornographic quality :oops: Thats your final clue ;)
marin man":9liqu4zi said:
Do'nt worry not a titanium bomb or anything that great ;) but is a good useable titanium object and almost pornographic quality :oops: Thats your final clue ;)

Holy crap! Pornographic quality!? It aint gonna ruin my marriage or anything is it? :shock: Wife already thinks all this retro stuff is weird! :LOL:

Now I'm really giddy with anticipation...what with porn being involved. :p :LOL:
New competition will be up in a few minutes ;) :LOL: and this time one post each,but do not worry as my american friend is going to get something that will probably end in arrest :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

only joking :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: