I just acquired one of the LeMond replica Z team TVT bikes. It is not a real team bike, but rather one of the production ones they sold. It is all original, but came to me without a seat and it has incorrect bar tape.
I have studied threads on these bikes and the team riders used different seats (Rolls, Regal, etc.). Does anyone know what the replica production bikes came with stock?
It looks like the old Benotto white tape was the standard. On the production replicas as well?
Thanks for the help!
My LeMond collection is growing!
I have studied threads on these bikes and the team riders used different seats (Rolls, Regal, etc.). Does anyone know what the replica production bikes came with stock?
It looks like the old Benotto white tape was the standard. On the production replicas as well?
Thanks for the help!
My LeMond collection is growing!