Late 40s / Early 50s René Herse tip find

Not to mention, I think @Jonny69 is doing everything right here. I've been here long enough to see the impulse to go straight for decoration / finition / tarty ness about frames. He his keeping a sound level head with this tip find. And learning a lot.

Nothing is won or lost until (except putting in some time wrenching investment and critical parts to actually get a understanding of what you acquired) and marking a key check point early "is it worth it?" Do I actually want this in my fleet and will it give me something?

You only get an answer about these type of builds by getting it rolling again, going to basics, and sitting on the blessed thing
and going from A to B. If it suits, game on. It's a treasure. It's RH for free. If it doesn't suit, pass the project on to someone else.

A very sensible perspective that general poverty has allowed me to follow on most of my vintage bikes.
If the brakes are a bit poor, try good quality cable outer/ inner and try different straddle lengths for more leverage but you may end up with fork judder

New brake blocks will help too but beware that style of pad can physically pop out under heavy braking

Those Mafacs are normally pretty decent and some time taken over adjustment should help, but also double check those levers are not to flexi
How's the bike working out for you @Jonny69 ?

Any next steps on the horizon or are you keeping it SS?
I haven't had a chance to do anything else yet. I got 3/32" chain with no chamfers on the side plates but I haven't had a chance to fit it. I'm still planning to get the derailleur apart and press in or bond in a brass shim to bring the movement back into tolerance. I don't think it'll shift very well in its current state of wear and I also don't want to risk breaking it.
Respect. These old plunger type rear mechs. What to say.

Not ridden my EdN that much, but I know that rear mech is on a wing and a prayer in terms of slop and cage alignment, despite it shifting very quick. I reckon the weakest part of the whole bike. Going into big sprocket, it's probably the closest sensation I'm going to get to being a midwife (plus I went 2 teeth bigger than spec. just to add to excitement :LOL: ).

If it strays in the spokes, it's a mess. Pretty sure the frame will survive, but the other damage I couldn't bare thinking about considering how lucky I was obtaining the wheelset. I can't see old aluminium rims recovering from such a brutal happening. The rear mech cage and plunger would certainly get mangled.

My own plan B, is now to actually to take it off, use a late Simplex 60s / 70s compatible rear mech with a parrelogram and with two stop screw adjustments, then use the bike a bit more with a bit more confidence on longer outings. I've thought about SS mode, but that is bit too limiting around where I am living.
The missus has abandoned me for the weekend and taken the kids with her. That leaves me at a loose end and it’s a nice evening, so I’ve got set up on the deck with a beer and some bikes.


First up is the chain on the RH. It’s a basic 3/32” YBN with completely flat side plates and it seems to sit on the teeth a lot better. However, when I went to fit it, it’s way too short. Huh? Thought I bought a chain with something like 116 links which should be waaaay plenty. Checked the eBay listing and, ok, 106 links (53”) but that should still be enough to pull round a 48 at the front and 18 at the back without a derailleur.

Laid it out on next to a tape measure and it’s only 45” long, which is 90 links. I think the seller accidentally cut it short so I’ve contacted them to see what they want to do about it.



Which is annoying because I wanted to go out on a little ride on this tomorrow.
Measure the pin width on your chain as I have a Regina chain here that is 1/2 X 3/32 and is 8.2mm pin length/width. This came from my Jack Taylor that only had about 20 miles on it. It was too wide. Perfect condition and if it suites then it's all yours, I can drop in the post on Monday. Someone may as well get some use out of it, it's as good as new. 112 links from memory. Changed it last Monday.

Measure the pin width on your chain as I have a Regina chain here that is 1/2 X 3/32 and is 8.2mm pin length/width. This came from my Jack Taylor that only had about 20 miles on it. It was too wide. Perfect condition and if it suites then it's all yours, I can drop in the post on Monday. Someone may as well get some use out of it, it's as good as new. 112 links from memory. Changed it last Monday.

Thanks for the offer. Hold onto it for another time because I should have a replacement being sent in the post 👍

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