Late 40s / Early 50s René Herse tip find


Senior Retro Guru
On Saturday I popped to the tip to shift some junk. I spotted a pile of old bikes and the one on the top looked interesting. Very rusty but had an old-type derailleur and lots of alloy parts. It looked mostly complete. They don't normally let you take anything but I always ask anyway and, to my surprise, this time the guy said he'd look the other way! I didn't get a chance to look too closely so in the car it went and this is what it looked like when I got it home:


I thought I'd picked up a 30s or 40s British bike tbh. On closer inspection, I could see quite a lot of it was French from the René Herse and Huret components. I posted these pics in the French Randonneurs thread and it was quickly identified as a late 40s / early 50s René Herse. It's pretty much complete apart from a missing rear rack and rear cantilevers. I dip into the French Randonneurs thread from time to time, but I don't know anything about French bikes at all. This thing seems to be quite rare so here are some detail shots, as found (split over 2 posts because maximum 10 attachments and I'll put them in as thumbnails so it doesn't take up too much space):




There's a bit of a backstory as to why I picked it up. I've been musing about putting gears on my Parkes Lightweight for some time, but I love it as it is as a fixed gear. This is actually my size and it looks sound, so I think it's going to take on duty as my geared bike. Plans at the moment are not for a full resto. Most of it has already come free without a fight and nothing mechanical is seized:



I'll re-spoke the wheels, adjust and grease everything and polish up the aluminium components. I'm not sure what I can do with the frame yet. I don't think I'll be able to save what's left of the René Herse logo on the downtube because it's hanging on a very thin layer of chrome which is no longer attached to the frame. I think it's going to be some careful rubbing with aluminium foil and WD40 and see what I can save.
There's a bit of a backstory as to why I picked it up. I've been musing about putting gears on my Parkes Lightweight for some time, but I love it as it is as a fixed gear. This is actually my size and it looks sound, so I think it's going to take on duty as my geared bike. Plans at the moment are not for a full resto. Most of it has already come free without a fight and nothing mechanical is seized:

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I'll re-spoke the wheels, adjust and grease everything and polish up the aluminium components. I'm not sure what I can do with the frame yet. I don't think I'll be able to save what's left of the René Herse logo on the downtube because it's hanging on a very thin layer of chrome which is no longer attached to the frame. I think it's going to be some careful rubbing with aluminium foil and WD40 and see what I can save.

Lots to do. Sounds like a good plan
I got 10 minutes to go round to the garage in between half-term pandemonium/meltdowns. Stuck a tape measure over a few things and counted some teeth. Measurements here for my reference more than anything.

Top tube: 55.5cm ctc
Seat tube: 58.5cm ctc, 60.5cm ctt

3/32” chain
Chainrings: 46/26
Freewheel: 14/16/18/22

Would the chain be a metric equivalent because France? I didn’t think to check.