Last night commute Baiku and willy waving


Retrobike Rider
Riding home from work last night on roadie and taking it easy as pushed hard on extended Mon ride home, when some roady passed me. Seen him before, hes quite quick.
Right, thats all I need, head down, stay with him. Nice. Pushing him hard, could see it in his legs, then he shot across a junction and no room for me infront of car - he was close to crashing.. safety first, there will be another time.
Wait for cars.. cross junction, see him in distance, he has slowed. Obviously worked hard to pass me. Will have him I think. Power up behind him. Draft for a minute, then blast past. Get in. Pushing hard, then start to tire, so he passes me again. Draft him for 2 mins to get breath back, then take him again. Relentless this time. No let up, keep pushing. No look back, get to my turn off few miles down, quick check behind and he is gone. Broken. Result :)

Sadly, this is about as fun as my commute gets! :LOL:

Meanwhile, I was sh 4gged.
gump":3qhogaom said:
Meanwhile, I was sh 4gged.

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I would be too
I think most of us are guilty of this from time to time...

My moment of glory came when a bloke in all the kit whizzed past me on a Kona Explosif. I was on my San Andreas with my child in a child seat on the back (don't ask!). I thought, I'm not having this, child on back or not!

So I caught up with him and kept up with him, he kept looking round, each time more desperately, then after a couple of miles came to a virtual standstill and said "I give up!" - he then told me he was a keen club cyclist getting back into shape after a bad asthma attack and would I like to be his training partner!!

I remember the story told by my uncle of him spanking a group of roadies on the uphill ride from his local garden centre....this was when he was riding a battered old 18 speed Dawes Galaxy with a bag of peat strapped to the rear titanium or carbon fibre here :cool:

Having seen him commuting I can quite believe it too!

Great - so it's not just me whos uncool! I've seen it in a few places and was hoping someone else would ask the question...........but the suspense is killing me!! C'mon - someone please help
baiku? i was the same! wasn't worried about being old and uncool, just stupid! :D

i chase people aswel though, not particularly fit at the mo so i just aim to catch people by certain landmarks or whatever, just anyone i see, i use them as an interval training target! unfortunately there are some fit buggers on my commute! :(
Baiku is like Haiku but about bikes and without the structure I guess.