Lance is back

The Pantani book is very good- (the death of Marco Pantani I think its called) Def. worth reading- I wont say too much for fear of spoiling it...

But I think for any rider to have been competetive during the 90s they must have been doping.
yo-eddy":y38xl0zn said:
MJN":y38xl0zn said:
Doping Pantani or any pro with EPO would actually increase their performance by 20 percent,look at Rico at this years tour for its benefits.

I know that, but with better dope nowadays they still can't climb Alpe Duez faster then Pantani in 1997 (that's 11 years ago :shock: ) This guy must have had more then a little natural talent... 37min. 35 sec. :!: that's not human... doped or not

Apparently there's evidence that suggests he was using dope - surprise, surprise... :roll:

The commentators of this years TdF were talking about Pantani's record but mentioned it was hard to compare it with Sastre as he ascended Alp d'huez at the end of a 210k ride and Pantani ascended it after about 100k (ish) of a 203k stage so was a lot fresher.

There's also differences in where they considered the start of the ascent to be. From 1994 to 1997 the climb was timed from a point 14.5km from the finish. Other times have been taken from 13.8km from the summit, which is the corner which marks the start of the climb and other timings have been taken from the road junction 700 m from the start of the climb. If you adjusted the times from 13.8k Pantani's time is 36'40"!!! :shock:
stevek":3rk6h6r6 said:
yo-eddy":3rk6h6r6 said:
MJN":3rk6h6r6 said:
Doping Pantani or any pro with EPO would actually increase their performance by 20 percent,look at Rico at this years tour for its benefits.

I know that, but with better dope nowadays they still can't climb Alpe Duez faster then Pantani in 1997 (that's 11 years ago :shock: ) This guy must have had more then a little natural talent... 37min. 35 sec. :!: that's not human... doped or not

Apparently there's evidence that suggests he was using dope - surprise, surprise... :roll:

The commentators of this years TdF were talking about Pantani's record but mentioned it was hard to compare it with Sastre as he ascended Alp d'huez at the end of a 210k ride and Pantani ascended it after about 100k (ish) of a 203k stage so was a lot fresher.

There's also differences in where they considered the start of the ascent to be. From 1994 to 1997 the climb was timed from a point 14.5km from the finish. Other times have been taken from 13.8km from the summit, which is the corner which marks the start of the climb and other timings have been taken from the road junction 700 m from the start of the climb. If you adjusted the times from 13.8k Pantani's time is 36'40"!!! :shock:

Armstrong didn't even beat Pantani's time when Alpe D'huez was a time trial race uphill in the tour (don't know wich year nymore..) :shock:
That's right. Armstrong's record is 1 second slower but as you say it was a TT and not a full blown stage.

I guess at the end of the day you either like/hate Armstrong and its an argument neither side will ever win.I would think that a comeback has something to do with him being bored and alot of people wanting to make more cash out of him(not that he'll do to badly out of it either)or it could be just another wind up to get people like us arguing!
stevek":1jksnk04 said:
The commentators of this years TdF were talking about Pantani's record but mentioned it was hard to compare it with Sastre as he ascended Alp d'huez at the end of a 210k ride and Pantani ascended it after about 100k (ish) of a 203k stage so was a lot fresher.

Minor point but Pantani climbed D'Huez at the end of a 203km stage when he set his record (D'Huez is always a summit finish as there's only one road up/down the mountain).

There seems little doubt now that most of the big hitters in the 90's were doping systematically. If you weren't doping you weren't likely to win much. Where does this leave Lance? I'm tempted to believe he was clean because he clearly was superhuman to survive his cancer - it had spread all round his body but he was tough enough to endure very aggressive chemotherapy. Also, having been through that it seems unlikely that he'd gamble with his health taking potent drugs unnecessarily. The whole Lance thing, the foundation, rests upon the fact that he is a fierce & determined, but honest competitor.

I think the TdF has been a bit crap since the Lance, Ulrich & Pantani days. Doping issues aside, the characters involved now just aren't the same. Shame Rico was doping as his aggressive riding was breathing some life into the tour. If Lance were to ride next year I'd be glued to the telly for sure.
Ren":15rmeweh said:
stevek":15rmeweh said:
The commentators of this years TdF were talking about Pantani's record but mentioned it was hard to compare it with Sastre as he ascended Alp d'huez at the end of a 210k ride and Pantani ascended it after about 100k (ish) of a 203k stage so was a lot fresher.

Minor point but Pantani climbed D'Huez at the end of a 203km stage when he set his record (D'Huez is always a summit finish as there's only one road up/down the mountain).

There seems little doubt now that most of the big hitters in the 90's were doping systematically. If you weren't doping you weren't likely to win much. Where does this leave Lance? I'm tempted to believe he was clean because he clearly was superhuman to survive his cancer - it had spread all round his body but he was tough enough to endure very aggressive chemotherapy. Also, having been through that it seems unlikely that he'd gamble with his health taking potent drugs unnecessarily. The whole Lance thing, the foundation, rests upon the fact that he is a fierce & determined, but honest competitor.

I think the TdF has been a bit crap since the Lance, Ulrich & Pantani days. Doping issues aside, the characters involved now just aren't the same. Shame Rico was doping as his aggressive riding was breathing some life into the tour. If Lance were to ride next year I'd be glued to the telly for sure.

No, certainly not a minor point. It makes it more fantastic and incredible. It's a shame, but there is strong evidence Pantani was using drugs.

Love or hate Lance? I don't even know the guy. I've read his books and admire what he's achieved. Perhaps you have to have that mentality, aggression and belief to be the best of your era. He was certainly one of the most drug tested athletes of the tour and I would be very disappointed if he ever proved positive...
Just read that he confirmed that he WILL be back :shock: :!:
From my point of view.... RESPECT, with so much to loose and so little to win.
Pretty good for the sport also I think
we'll wait and see.....
yo-eddy":2gk2nysd said:
Just read that he confirmed that he WILL be back :shock: :!:
From my point of view.... RESPECT, with so much to loose and so little to win.
Pretty good for the sport also I think
we'll wait and see.....

do you have a link to that confirmation?