Kona Hei Hei 1991 British Championship Contender


That's truly a wonderful bike ! 😍

Must cost a liver, or more probably two ! 🙈

I also have a set of Panaracers on my Kona (the Smoke at the rear and an Dart on the front).
Perhaps I'm saying some bullsh*t (it wouldn't be the 1st time :p) but on the pics, it seems that the two tires of the bike are not mounted in the same direction (I've just compared with mines). The rear would be good and the front not). Is that wanted ? If it is, what would be the benefits of such a thing ?

Thank you, it certainly is a nice bike, unfortunately becoming a garage queen, so I need to sort that out.

Smoke is a directional tyre and it is the same direction front and rear according to the tyre decals. Dart is a front specific tyre so I understand where you are coming from.