Kona Explosif questions


Retro Newbie

I've been offered a 96 Kona Explosif resprayed and have two questions:

1. Since it has been resprayed, how can I be sure that it is a 96 Explosif?

2. Regarding the size, I'm 177cm tall. Is the 18" frame the best size for me?

Please let me know if there are other things I should take into account before buying it.

Thank you in advance

Im not so good on the ways to identify the different year features and tubesets but there are some of the best Kona experts on here so some one should be able to give you a few pointers :)
As for size, it all depends on what you like and are used to, im 5.10 and had an 18 inch 96 and found it a little big after coming from a 93 18 inch, always wanted, and still do, a 17 inch 96 explosif.
Anyway, it might help if you posted a few pics to help identify the year/model

Mark :?

Columbus Max OR tubing. Very 'pingy' when you flick the tubing with your finger. From recollection, the top tube was sort of squashed vertically at the head tube and horizontally at the seat tube. The seat tube at the bottom bracket end again was squashed. A photo would be helpful.

You've confirmed it's steel presumably, if not try a magnet.
A good place to start is the seat and chain stay shape where they join the rear bottom bracket. 1996 Explosifs (and maybe some later Kilaueas) have a destinctive collar or suage at the end of each stay, while all lower end steel Konas look like any other ordinary frame. Search a few pics on this website and you will see the difference.

Anything else you should consider? .. You might want to consider why has it been resprayed? Repaining is a great way to hide repairs and corrosion. Cracked and rewelded? Dented and filled? Corroded and resurfaced? If possible ask to see detailed photos taken immediately before or during the repainting process - after the bike was disassembled (an old photo of the fully assembled bike could've been taken before a huge crash so don't really count as proof of anything). If there are no photos you have to decide whether you trust the seller. If there's no proof forthcoming i'd be wary if i were you.
I'm 181cm and happily use a 19" Kona.
Finally, make sure you're understanding the frame size correctly, 18" means from centre of bottom bracket to top of seat tube (where the seat clamp locates).
Good luck!
from 95 to 97 the Explosif was Columbus Max tubing. Very distinctive - so check pics. of some Explosifs from that vintage over here.

Mine f.e. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=38748&hilit=explosif

when you want to know what year that Explosif is, check the serial no. under the BB. For 96 the serial should start with H95 or H96.

I'm 178 cm tall and happy with 17" or 18" Kona frames.
Max Explosifs have very distinctive tubing so are easy to spot. Here's a fairly good picture of a '97 so you can see what I'm talking about.


The top and down tubes are cross ovalised which means it's taller than it is wide at the head tube and wider than it is tall at the seat tube/bottom bracket.

The join between the top tube and seat tube is also very distinctive as the top tube is actually slightly wider than the seat tube like this:


Check the welds at the top of the seat stays and the area around the dropouts as they are weak points in the frame.

18" should be just fine for you.

You look at the frame to tell if it is an explosif of that era. As per pictures above
Serial also helps.
97 model has different dropouts the 95and 96 as seen in the 97 picture above.
There are stay differences too, but I can't remember the exacts between 95/96 stays.

18" are too small for me im pretty much the same height.

19" is best 20" is comfier. Look at the catalouges or search the forum for the Kona 97 size guide and see how your legs stick up.

BUT is centre of bottom bracket to the top of the seattube, check it is that measurement used for frame size.

And the only real way to tell if the size (and bike) is good, is build it up and see if it feels and rides perfect for you.

Thank you for your replies. That information is very usefull for me.
Here you have the link to the ad https://es.wallapop.com/item/bici-kona- ... f-83445982
You can also give me your opinion about the price :) (As a con, I should take into account that it's painted white -before it was yellow- and that it's not a complete bike. Better pics and a parts full list are on the way).

The seller told me about the ovalized tube since I asked him directly how should I know it's an Explosif. It's nice that you confirmed that.

Thank you Radnomad and Adam_S for the tips about the weak points and magas for the serial tip (your bike really rocks).



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