Kona Explosif questions

Looks OK to me. As far as I can tell from the picture it's a Max Explosif. Granted it's not retro period accurate but it should still ride good. Just give it a good going over for cracks, dodgy welds and dings and you should be OK.

I'm getting frame, fork, stem, post, curve cranks and other small parts and decals. No wheels or gears. I agree it's overpriced specialy since the respray wasn't done with any original color (green is my favourite). I'll only take if the priced is reduced and after i can properly check the frame in person.
Thank you for your support.

Anyway, if you know any nice explosif for sale in the meantime, please let me know :) Another option was to get a mint condition full original Kula i've seen for the same 300€, but steel is my thing.

Well 300 Euros does sound a little bit much so do some haggling.

The Kula is a really nice bike too.
Hi Adam_S,

What would you consider to be a reasonable price for the Explosif considering the respray and the parts that come with it (frame, fork, Velocity stem, Syncros post, curve cranks, XT gear, some V brakes and decals)

Hope I can get a good deal

A frame that was original and very good condition would be about £170 at the max. A respray brings that price down normally. The other part tend to add little value, maybe £50, if they are what you want.

So I would be aiming for up to £150 max, but less of course.
£200 max for a complete bike in that condition.
What FluffyChicken said. I (probably over)paid something like £120 for a '96 Explosif frame on EBay that had had a dodgy rattle can respray not too long ago and the bits it's coming with aren't worth much more on top of that. Somewhere closer to 200 Euros wouldn't be too bad IMO but it depends on how much you want the frame.
Gone are the days of the £300+ originals unless they are proper, proper good. And I mean pristine, straight out the box good.

These days, a good, as original or of the era one, 96/97/98 is £200-275.

Take £100 off for re-sprays.