Kona Explosif.... One foot in the grave? .... SHES ALIVE !!!

Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":3j9ultdb said:
Bottom Bracket. That's the fixed cup you are trying in the picture, do the other side first, it is easiest with the proper tools. But hammer nd screwdriver will undo the lockring, then hammer and something pointy and tap the cup out bit by bit.

Big headset spanner/adjustable/vice for the fixed cup. Oddly it's so much easier with the proper fixed cup full ring tool. I find the adjustable cannot get the power down without slipping and holding and swearing and mines a big adjustable.

Definitely best with the proper tool!
Someone local may have one you can borrow. Or ask nicely at the lbs ?
Nice little project! I'd use Plasticote on those bars. Not bad stuff, I've done stems, cranks and other odds and sods with it.
Be interested to see what the paraffin does to the tyres as well

Re: Re:

The History Man":1bylzpoe said:
Have a look at page three on this thread. I reckon the colour kyle used is pretty close to yours. You could ask him what it was....


That looks much darker (than the faded bits) of mine. TBF, once the cranks are back on the chain wheels will cover most of the fade :LOL:
The faded bits (most of the frame) is more of a pastel blue. i think it was an old hyundai i saw out on the road the other day which was a similar colour. ive tried cutting the paint but the original colour cant be brought back...unlike faded red car paint work :( at least i can stabilise the fading with copious amounts of polish and wax :D maybe repaint at a later date ?

Nice build on the Kona BTW :D pitty the weld didnt hold out.... i guess its a fairly common issue... they do look a bit puny around that area.
Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":30so6nsx said:
Bottom Bracket. That's the fixed cup you are trying in the picture, do the other side first, it is easiest with the proper tools. But hammer nd screwdriver will undo the lockring, then hammer and something pointy and tap the cup out bit by bit.

Big headset spanner/adjustable/vice for the fixed cup. Oddly it's so much easier with the proper fixed cup full ring tool. I find the adjustable cannot get the power down without slipping and holding and swearing and mines a big adjustable.

Cheers fella. ill have another bash when i get the wheels on and the bike back on the ground. cant go hacking at it when its on the bike stand :LOL:
Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":2ujlg4vo said:
FluffyChicken":2ujlg4vo said:
Bottom Bracket. That's the fixed cup you are trying in the picture, do the other side first, it is easiest with the proper tools. But hammer nd screwdriver will undo the lockring, then hammer and something pointy and tap the cup out bit by bit.

Big headset spanner/adjustable/vice for the fixed cup. Oddly it's so much easier with the proper fixed cup full ring tool. I find the adjustable cannot get the power down without slipping and holding and swearing and mines a big adjustable.

Definitely best with the proper tool!
Someone local may have one you can borrow. Or ask nicely at the lbs ?
Nice little project! I'd use Plasticote on those bars. Not bad stuff, I've done stems, cranks and other odds and sods with it.
Be interested to see what the paraffin does to the tyres as well


cheers Mike , i know the car mod brigade swear by plasticote but i always imagined it wouldn't be too hard wearing and once "perforated", doesn't it peel off in strips like wallpaper ? any pics of components youve covered with it ?
Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":270bg517 said:
Baby wipes for getting grey stuff off rims!

What was in your biketool kit?

good call on the baby wipes ill give them a try :D

the tool kit's err, quite cpmprehensive but very cheap :oops: :LOL:

ill get a photo later

Seems fine and fairly hard wearing. Will get pics when I get to computer later.

As for rims, how about soapy water and a kitchen scouring pad? Just not the one the Mrs uses to wash up! :LOL:


Todays jobs, bars painted ...

Cranks sorted, came out better tahn expected ...

Corrosion was pretty bad, no wonder the pedals were a pain to remove :shock:

Deep Pitting remains after wire brush drill attachment....

Got carried away with the brush and introduced further scoring into the arm :facepalm:

None drive side in better condition....

Few marks around the BB end (these will be sanded out) ....

Sanded with wet and dry ....

Refined with finer grade W&D...

At this stage, realising i probably wouldnt get the surface any smoother without loosing the shape of the arm, i decided to call it a draw with the sanding and move on to the wire wool and Autosol stage....


You can still see the pitting but its a massif improvement over how they were...

Final polish and finished with Poorboys alloy wheel sealer ...

Crank bolts were de greased in paraffin then treated in Bilt hamber Deox Gel to remove rust...

Re: Kona Explosif.... One foot in the grave !?

congrats for the great results you achieve :)

looks like you are going the rescue that bike frame the graveyard.