Kona Explosif 1997 team edition

Re: Re:

mkone":2w60s1yg said:
And Pip, you would'nt happen to have the wall thickness, or a link, of any other years, '96 for example?




I can't find the definitive tubing spec for the 1996 Explosif, although the information in these links may be more useful with regards to understanding different Tubesets.

This first one is discussing Steel frames in more general terms, but scroll down to Anthony's post at the bottom, and you'll see that he does document some information on the 1996 Explosif.


This second link is pertaining to this thread, as it was started by Al for his "standard" 1997 Explosif. Again, scroll down to Anthony's post.


Finally the information in this link is somewhat more complex, but I thought it useful to share.

http://www.equusbicycle.com/bike/columb ... schart.htm

Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

I have to say, I LOVE this thread! Super cool bike with some history behind it.
Re: Re:

pipmeister":3eg00rw2 said:
A quick search of this site resulted in the following:

>1996 Columbus Max - 4.22lbs / 1.914kg
>1997 Columbus Nivacrom Max OR - 4.40lbs / 1.995kg
>1998 Reynolds 853 Maintubes & 725 Stays - 4.45lbs / 2.018kg
>1999, the '853' Explosif had gone down to generic 4130 non heat-treated stays and weighed 4.5lbs / 2.041kg

I'm still searching to see what the rear end of a 1996 was made from.


FWIW the various Kona catalogues list the 95, 96 and 97 as 4.2lbs, 3.9lbs and 4.0lbs respectively. While those weights may be dodgy, it still suggests that the 96 is the lightest of the bunch which in turn suggests something more exotic than the 4130 stays on the 95.
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

By the way, who else votes that we keep sidetracking Al's thread until he posts some more build pics?

Well you're doing a great job so far adam :LOL:

To be fair it's all good as it's related. My 2 pence on the matter is that the 97, in my opinion, doesn't have 4130 stays. Well, not the ones I have, this and the other. The stays shape and size are different. Experience says the catalogues are a guide and by no means the truth.

One thing for sure, riding a 97 and riding a 98 Explosif would be a very different experience. I'd like to try that one day. For now I'll make do with a Caldera vs. Explosif comparison (1st world problems).

In terms of the build, cables are arriving this week along with the chain. Still waiting on the shifters from deepest Austria.
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

I've had a couple of goes on the Mrs' 853 Explosif over the years FWIW. It's a tiny wee thing so no off road but I've had a few trips up and down the road on it. It still feels like a really expensive, top of the line steel frame, which it is. It's not as stiff and responsive as the 97 but it seems to soak up bumps really nicely. I reckon the Caldera might be quite close in terms of ride feel.
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

The bike is looking amazing, really truly brilliant. It's crazy what good condition it's in considering it was a team bike and has obviously been given a proper ragging! The amount of history you've managed to unearth is great too as it really adds to the provenience of such a special frame.

I've had a 98 and 99 Explosif which I've ridden in anger and if I'm honest I preferred the 98 (which I no longer own). It might have been the spec it had and the fact that I was much fitter then then I am now but it just felt quicker and more lively. That being said my 99 has pretty much been built up with the spec I would have killed for bitd and I prefer the colour of the 99 as it lends itself to red (forks and brakes) better.

I think a rare Konas meet is called for at some point in the future. Between you and Pip you'll be able to provide bikes for everyone!
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

Cheers :) Interesting about the 98 and 99: both were 853 throughout I think. I know it's getting slightly off-topic so I'll save that for another day.

There's more historical context to come but I'm saving it for when the bike is finished. Speaking of which, pedals arrived (new XT, half price from ChainReaction - I always get new pedals for the builds since old ones are just not up to it). No sign of the shifters yet.

markwashington":20jd5okh said:
I think a rare Konas meet is called for at some point in the future. Between you and Pip you'll be able to provide bikes for everyone!

Pip and I are amateurs compared with Canunck, Magas and others (sorry Pip!). But put as all together and I agree, we'd have one hell of a show.
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

al-onestare":bx30quwa said:
Pip and I are amateurs compared with Canunck, Magas and others (sorry Pip!). But put as all together and I agree, we'd have one hell of a show.

Absolutely no need to apologise Al - you are quite correct ;). Virtually everything that I babble on about regarding Kona bikes has come from this site - particularly Anthony...... sadly M.I.A.
