Kona A'ha 1997

Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Nice to hear that you're nearly finished, these are the first good news I got today :shock: and BTW *piiiiictuuuurees* :mrgreen:
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Re chains - depends on the cog/chainring width,
Iif 1/8th use 1/8th chain - standard single speed
If 3/32nd use single speed narrow/5/6/7 speed chain
If 3/16 use single speed fat chain - mostly on hardcore bmx's of 5/10 years ago

I'd pick 1/8th chain

As for seat, I'd have the sprung b-17 brooks, think it's called the flyer :?
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Yep, I went 1/8 since that's what the hub takes. I hope it'll be ok on the original front chain-ring - we'll find out tomorrow...
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Pics to come but we're done minus the pedals (wrong colour turned up). It looks IMO the nuts!
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

So, as mentioned just the pedals to go. Old slippery fingers over here thought he clicked on white but didn't as the DMR's that arrived on Friday were black. I should have the right ones later this week. Here's another token blurry shot with the Explosif - proper shots over Easter.


I think there are a few, final little tweaks to come - a different front QR and red / blue valve caps would be smart.
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Over on the Road side of the forum I've put a shout out to see if anyone, anywhere has a 1997 Kapu. They appear to be as rare as hen's teeth. I've scoured the net, emailed people with old ad's all over the world to see if anything exists. I even got in contact with Kona and have been exchanging emails over the last week or so...


...which led to me sharing the crappy picture on P5 of the A'ha. In return, this was in my inbox this morning:


Two 1995/6 stars and bars cruisers, I'm guessing Huma's, being used by the employees! I've asked what the black boxed cruiser on the wall is because it looks spookily like the tribute one they built not that long ago (it was in the video shared on the MTB chat pages not long ago of one of their warehouses - the one that also featured that amazing, slightly battered Hot).
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

Not your normal cruisers after all...

We called those race cruisers. They have a bit shorter rear end so they’re not so cumbersome if you want to ride a trail and they were a nice light Tange tubset, like you would have found on a Hot. There were a few red ones and then a few with stars and bars and a crazy parts spec with the Ti fork, Cook Bros cranks and a all the nice stuff you could fit on a bike back then.

The other one is a special we did for a dealer over here, it’s a Bow Cycle 57. We did a similar bike called the Eighty Eight.

:shock: and 8)

Meanwhile I can confirm the A'ha is finished so pic's this Easter weekend 8)

...and my LBS have just posted a picture of her when she was in the other week:

http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fb ... 574&type=1


I can't recommend Bromley Bike Company enough - top service, top lads.
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997)

So that yellow thing in the sky came out then went back in then came out then went back in etc etc...at least it was a little brighter than normal and just about bright enough to get a decent exposure (arf arf).

As the build progressed the more keen I was and the more sense it made to me (at least) that if I was going to do this properly then red, white and blue were the core colours. Seems obvious but it could have been very different if I had stuck with the original idea of coloured tyres and big bold statements. Instead whilst it´s blinged up, I don´t think it´s too crazy.

Enough chat, here are the shots:


























Feedback, good and bad is always welcome: many thanks to everyone for their help, advice and parts. I managed to bang a couple of miles in to see how it feels and I can tell I´m going to have a lot of fun on her. She´s eager and lively on the front and whilst she isn´t the lightest she still felt agile enough to chuck her around a bit...that´s if spring ever turns up.

Spec list will pop up tomorrow.