Kona A'ha 1997

Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

They did but as you may have missed I didn't get that as part of the package. Plus the hub I did get wasn't usable in the end so it was a case of trying to use whatever was readily available which was very little...and in this case was a DXR hub that was pricey to say the least!
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished


I had seen a BMX one used with a long axle and spacers but the DX one looks far less of a bodge :lol:

Will it see dirt?
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

It'll be ridden fairly hard ocassionally, but it'll be mainly used for cruising. It's proper maiden voyage will be a mixture of tarmac, tow and renovated train / right of ways.

The dirty stuff will be left for the Explosif and Manomano 8)
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

Oh dear. Cruising around today and thoroughly enjoying it until clunk, the left crank comes off. There's a part that I don't know the name of that I need to know the name of that fractured. It's a sleeve like adaptor thing that slots into the crank arm and fits onto the spline of the BB. Does anyone know what it's called since I need to get a new one!! It's an 8 spline axle. I've had a google search without much luck, same with ebay. I don't want a whole new crank set - just this bit. I'll call the LBS tomorrow but any pointers would be appreciated.

Up until that point she'd been a joy to ride!
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

Sorry to hear shaes had a hicup..she's still class mate. stars and bars, not sure what beats it for a factory finish paint. Part of me looks at it and thinks "as they intended". Then part of me thinks.. damn those P2 need colour matching ;)
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

Well thanks to the original owner he's come up trumps with a spare set complete with cranks. Something I hadn't noticed was that the left hand bolt thread for the axle is the same direction as the right hand, hence why it worked lose. So top tip is to get some locktite next time. Thanks Stu!

Fingers crossed the kit arrives in time for the weekend.

As for the paint scheme I know what you mean but I'm super happy with the subtle bling :-)
Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

30 minutes before the crank mishap!


Re: Knowing me knowing you - (Kona) A'ha! (1997) - finished

Me and A'ha went a cruisin' up to the Thames (took the 75 and 12? routes from Brommers through Woolwich into Greenwich). I scared Eltham's finest with my 1990 blue/pink/green Kona top :facepalm: 8)
