Wanted Kona AA 1994 (Pink) or Kona Muni Mula 1996 (Purple)


Retro Newbie
Title says it all - looking for one of these two (see pics)

Complete, in good condition and decent spec, 17" or 18"

Location: closer to London or Nottingham the better, or willing to post.


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Are you still looking?
mainly as the top one is my bike, and my photo....which is for sale if you still need it?
hey BM - which one, the pink or purple ? also could you give more details re spec, size, price, location ? can DM me if you want. thanks!
I would, but have no idea how to DM - I only joined as I say my bike outside my shack!
It's the Purple, Muni-Mula.
Tamworth area.
Shocks are seized down.
Original except grip shift (totally seized and fooked) so have put (near mint) LX ST-M560 shifters and levers on - still have the curve levers though, but not gripshift.
Still has original cassette in hardly worn condition.

Im selling as need to get rid of my collection!
DM me your number and I'll drop you more info.