knocked off my bike last week. but now good news!

Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

If you have a witness , and have also given their details to the police , then IMO he won't get away with it . Accidents do happen even when you are alert .
I drive an HGV for a living and have done for around 10 years . If I approach a junction and look into the road I'm turning into at the wrong time , I could miss a car in my blind spot purely due to the size of the mirrors on my truck .
I know this isn't the case with your accident , and indeed I had a similar one riding to work , when the idiot claimed I should have given way to him , as he was on the roundabout . But only because he had pulled out in front of me !
Been cycling for around 30 years , these days - as has been suggested - I'm a member of British Cycling , never thankfully had to use their services , but hopefully they are very supportive .
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

Adding to what Mike said above, when I'm riding I always try to assume that all motorists are idiots (most aren't), and therefore there is less chance of problems. Also, and particularly for large vehicles, if you can't see their mirrors, or preferably eyeball them, then they can't see you.

Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

Also , if I pull up alongside a truck at a set of lights , I make sure I stop in front of the truck and look back at the driver in the cab , to make sure he can see me too . You may get a 'so what's your problem' look back , but you will know he 's seen you too in that case .
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

Exeter Man":2a5d2zva said:
MCsanandreas, I notice that you are in Bridport. Sorry to drift (nose dive?) off topic, but I'm hoping that you can empower me with a little local knowledge?

I've passed through Bridport on the X53 bus a few times now, and every time I think to myself it looks prime for a small town night out. A few friends and I are partial to nipping over the border into Dorset for lads' weekends away, and I've often promoted a night in Bridport, so far without success.

Any thoughts on my idea? Before responding, I should say that our mantra is "small town, big impact".

haha! sounds like me and my mates from a few years ago!! plenty pubs in town although not as many as there used to be :cry:
the wonderfully grotty nightclub also went a while ago shame as it was so so bad it was (almost) good if you were drunk enough.
got to admit I don't go out on the razz now like I used to but think its still ok at the weekend.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

MCsanandreas":3nv2b0am said:
Exeter Man":3nv2b0am said:
MCsanandreas, I notice that you are in Bridport. Sorry to drift (nose dive?) off topic, but I'm hoping that you can empower me with a little local knowledge?

I've passed through Bridport on the X53 bus a few times now, and every time I think to myself it looks prime for a small town night out. A few friends and I are partial to nipping over the border into Dorset for lads' weekends away, and I've often promoted a night in Bridport, so far without success.

Any thoughts on my idea? Before responding, I should say that our mantra is "small town, big impact".

haha! sounds like me and my mates from a few years ago!! plenty pubs in town although not as many as there used to be :cry:
the wonderfully grotty nightclub also went a while ago shame as it was so so bad it was (almost) good if you were drunk enough.
got to admit I don't go out on the razz now like I used to but think its still ok at the weekend.
Thanks dude. We're all just middle aged blokes, so nothing too hardcore - just good to try new places.

Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch! and it gets worse!

Exeter Man":h3vdz3nb said:
MCsanandreas":h3vdz3nb said:
Exeter Man":h3vdz3nb said:
MCsanandreas, I notice that you are in Bridport. Sorry to drift (nose dive?) off topic, but I'm hoping that you can empower me with a little local knowledge?

I've passed through Bridport on the X53 bus a few times now, and every time I think to myself it looks prime for a small town night out. A few friends and I are partial to nipping over the border into Dorset for lads' weekends away, and I've often promoted a night in Bridport, so far without success.

Any thoughts on my idea? Before responding, I should say that our mantra is "small town, big impact".

haha! sounds like me and my mates from a few years ago!! plenty pubs in town although not as many as there used to be :cry:
the wonderfully grotty nightclub also went a while ago shame as it was so so bad it was (almost) good if you were drunk enough.
got to admit I don't go out on the razz now like I used to but think its still ok at the weekend.
Thanks dude. We're all just middle aged blokes, so nothing too hardcore - just good to try new places.


that's me and my mates now too!! :D :D

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