knocked off my bike last week. but now good news!


Mountain Cycle Fan
it seems I became a statistic last week as a twit in a car did not see me as I was 2/3rd's of the way across a roundabout.
lying on tarmac at 7.50am is not nice. anyway another person saw what had happened and the driver had to stop(or drive over me!)
two trips to minor injuries unit and also I made sure to report it to the police who were quite helpful in the matter.
not heard from the driver since that evening when I had to phone him!
just got off the phone with his insurance company so wonder what the result of that will be?

driver admitted fault was with him after trying to say no collision had occurred and the insurance is paying out! yippee! took a lot of phone calls and hassel but worth it in the end.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

About 8500 to 11000 I would say. One mate knocked off on roundabout minimal injuries got 8500 another knocked on roundabout busted leg got 11.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

stewlewis":1e54ewvx said:
About 8500 to 11000 I would say. One mate knocked off on roundabout minimal injuries got 8500 another knocked on roundabout busted leg got 11.
filppin' heck! I was just going to let the guy pay for a new back wheel. but then I thought about it for a while took advice from other people and decided to make a phone call.
after all he was only a few minutes late going wherever it was he was going I still hurt 6 days later.
almost feel bad about making the claim to be honest!
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

Hope you get better soon & also seeked professional advice. IF you are a a member of BC they can also help on these issues.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

Idiots like that deserve to be priced off the road with a whopping increase in insurance premium. Maybe that will get bad motorists attention. You hit a cyclist due to reckless driving or without due consideration = mandatory tripling of insurance, if proven guilty. I'm sure we would all be given a wider berth.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

M-Power":2wk87obm said:
Idiots like that deserve to be priced off the road with a whopping increase in insurance premium. Maybe that will get bad motorists attention. You hit a cyclist due to reckless driving or without due consideration = mandatory tripling of insurance, if proven guilty. I'm sure we would all be given a wider berth.
Losing your NCB can sometimes have that effect. We all have slight lapses in concentration from time to time. I'm not trying to say it's acceptable, but accidents do happen occasionally.

The important thing is that it wasn't worse and MCsanandreas is relatively unhurt. He should quite rightly be recompensed for any reasonable losses.

Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

Just that a cyclists loss of concentration rarely kills even if a collision does occur.
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

fatandforty":3ulro0u2 said:
Just that a cyclists loss of concentration rarely kills even if a collision does occur.
Yes, I do agree. I did think twice about making my last post as it could be misinterpreted, but sometimes I think there can be a mentality amongst cyclists that all motorists should be strung up by the b@lls, because of the actions of a small minority of idiots.

Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

so today I was waiting to hear from the claims handler who was going to call me. no call! nothing. so I phone them again. claims department is now closed for the day. bugger!
so maybe tomorrow? at least I get home from work earlyish so will be able to get them while the department is hopefully still there.
still aching a bit still not ridden my bike. its put me off a bit wanting to be in traffic. weekend when the roads are a bit less busy and I will go for a pedal(I hope!)
Re: knocked off my bike last week. ouch!

hope your have details of witnesses .... generally in these cases the drivers say they will make claim then think it over and deny it was their fault.

no reason to fleece his insurance, I don't mind paying extra permiums, after all, everybody does it.