Klein collection piece, on GMBN ***Many tarty parts alert***


Thanks for sharing, such an amazing video. Glad to see love for retrobikes everywhere.
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troje":3fracyi3 said:
Thanks for sharing, such an amazing video. Glad to see love for retrobikes everywhere.

Do you think.... :?

I got bored after five minutes.

They are talking about it like its......................................... :shock:

We do this shit every day................. :LOL:
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al-onestare":sbm920nn said:
Rather that than ridicule. There're a decent bunch.

it seems, every where i go your there, always ready to ridicule.

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al-onestare":3os6pz3s said:
Well someone has to balance your bark.

LOL, fair play, but if your short for work, i could always give you a job if you like, but it wouldn't be as a Stalker though... ;)

The bikes are fabulous, but totally ott. I do have a genuine appreciation of what Gary Klein achieved.

These particular bikes, to my mind, are full of contradictions. As much as I like them, I'm equally offended by them.

I imagine that the owner has spent what I can only describe as an offensive amount of money. Quite a crass display of disposable wealth.

Yet as bike art they are very special. But is that why the owner possesses them? And for whom are they to be appreciated? As without the video who would know about them? Or is it just about grandstanding? Hence the video.