Klein Attitude Blue Fade

If you look closely there should be metal [tin] inserts in the holes in the frame, these can be gently prized out and kept safe somewhere. The holes in the frame should now be just big enough to take a hose with a bit of huffing and puffing.

The Klein mechanic helping out at the Gary Fisher stand at a Mountain Mayhem told me to bin the liners for the gear cables, advice I've followed with no regrets.

I replace my inner cables using the following method.

1] Get two BIC pens and cut off the clear plastic tubing at the end of the part that holds the ink [about 1"].

2] Disconnect the cable at the gear end and cut it at the lever end, making shure that the loose cable doesn't fall out of the frame.

3] Throw the nipple end of the old cable and thread the new cable into the lever and outer cable.

4] Using Araldite [Superglue doesn't work] stick the new and old cable ends together using your BIC pen part.

5] Put kettle on and watch some TV.

6] Once the glue has set push [never pull] the cables through the frame and cut the rubbish off, the rest you can work out.

I've used this method for some years and can replace all three cables in under an hour with very little swearing.

Hope this is of interest to all Klein owners.