Klein Adroit 1993 Gator


If it's titanium then it can be anodised as normal. It'll make no difference. It would be better connecting both spider and crank to the supply though. You may get a problem that they are different grades of aluminium. The titanium will end up anodised bronze / dull purple.

According to my knowledge Topline (sold in Germany under the label PBC = Precision Bicycle Components) had a smoothed Ti (Not: steel) screw to hold the spider in place.

The similar Grafton Speedstix cranks (which were manufactured by Topline/PBC, by the way) had a steel screw (removable type). Grafton Speedstix also had a round pedal eye, the Topline/PBC pedal eyes were flatened.

So please verify if the screw is Ti. Then anodizing should be okay.

Edit: this ad also suggests, that the screw is Ti!!


Your absolutely right. With Rampages help I did a home anodising test on the rivet last night and it's Titanium, so it's now back at the anodisers. Fingers crossed we will see how it comes out. In the mean time I have a tempory back up plan to keep the build going for next weekend.

I fitted some new ti bolts to the levers too as the ones they came with were chunky and steel only to realise later that the proper original bolts had a dome head so got some dome ones coming now.


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Chainrings will be black, too?

My Rainforest build is quite similar, only that I have silver Grafton Joystix with black rings. Still waiting for the axle to be fitted, though...

Cheers for the ad above, I did suggest actually that it was a ti bolt that had had the head ground off post fit but couldn't really think why, so there you go, to stop anyone undoing it. We use 3M Scotchweld at work to glue aircraft parts together, it's a very good adhesive.

Yes black rings will be getting fitted.

Started hanging some parts on last night at last now I've finished messing about with those cranks! Was going to fit some new Scott Mathauser pads but they don't fit on the forks, there isn't enough room between the brake and rim so using some grey Kool stops instead. The rear left brake would only go onto the stud half way, there was the smallest of burrs in the brass sleeve of the brake stopping it sliding on so that needed some careful filing with a needle file.

Hoping when I do some today I can get a bit more of a flow on!


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