Just bought a Carlton Giro

I will get a Lepper Tourer saddle that is a natural leather colour to fit in with the bar tape but my darling wife mentioned a Christmas present might happen to take care of that.

I now have a new to me bike to try and my shoulder is not quite right yet but hopefully will be close enough for a short ride at the weekend.
I thought the tyres would be good for at least a ride so added pressure to 95psi and both stayed up for about a minute and then let go. On inspection the tyres were OK the inner tubes were OK until they holed but the rim tape had literally fallen to pieces. Apparently inner tube and box section type rims fail even quicker than single channel without rim tape. So taking this as an omen I bought new tyres, new tubes, and High Pressure tape and fixed the old tubes as spares. I am now awaiting their arrival. Took the Corsa out for a ride instead, nice to be back in the saddle post crash. I will put the Corsa to bed now for the winter and the Super Course and Giro will do the wintery work.
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This was a nice bike in its day. However the wheels are especially nice I thought Campagnolo Lambda Strada V profile. It is a bit of a missing link in my Carlton collection. I have the Corsa from the early 70's the new Giro from 1977/78 and my Super Course mk 2 from 1980. That gives a Carlton in Truwel, a mostly 531, and an almost entirely 531. I thought I would try to clean polish and seal this one so original conditionish. I should get it home next weekend.


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The 'Giro' was the bike I was VERY luck to get as a 15 year old and I set it up with Carradice saddle bags for my Youth Hostelling and touring adventures, starting with a 3 day round trip from Manchester to Llangollen, in the Easter school hols of 1979. It stayed with me until the night of Thursday the 13th December 1984, when it was stolen. In 2013 I was idling around at work and found myself on ebay searching for a Carlton Giro. At that time I'd no idea there was any kind of retro scene & I was gob smacked to see what was being sold on there. I was absolutely floored, to see this Carlton Giro example & devastated that it had just sold, for the sum of £123 - eight quid less than Dad paid for mine in 1979. Anyway I contacted the seller & he put me in touch with the buyer. In 2014 I signed up to the Carlton Cycles of Worksop, facebook Group. We had less than 50 members that first year. We now have over 2,400 all over the world. Back to the Giro. In 2020 (I think), the guy who had bought the Giro got in touch and we agreed £200 inc P&P - at last I had 'my' Giro back, and a near mint, all original (save for new tyres), example. It survived so well as it only came out of it's shop box, in 2012. It was ridden around 50 miles by its second owner, not at all by it's first & I have yet to ride it more than around the block - I've so many more Carlton's, some finished, some tinkered with & many, many waiting their turn. My regular ride has been a Feb 1981 Corsair & another 1979 Carlton I restored. I thought you might want to see my, fresh out of the factory, example & wish you good luck with yours - Phil.
Lovely looking bike, I am already fond of mine. The one bit I would change is the saddle I don't love the one on mine. Still waiting on the Christmas present...a Lepper Tourer Saddle if I am lucky. I did have a little spin last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Also got the news that I need a new hip. They have me on the waiting list. Apparently I need to cycle every day either on the road or in the home, oh dear....what a shame....nevermind. 😊
Lovely looking bike, I am already fond of mine. The one bit I would change is the saddle I don't love the one on mine. Still waiting on the Christmas present...a Lepper Tourer Saddle if I am lucky. I did have a little spin last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Also got the news that I need a new hip. They have me on the waiting list. Apparently I need to cycle every day either on the road or in the home, oh dear....what a shame....nevermind. 😊
Back in 79, that plastic Brooks saddle lasted no longer than that first Youth Hostel ride. I found the original saddle in my Mums attic a few years ago. Now it's an ornament. Funny that - I need a new hip too - not got on the list yet though.
When you say "pocket rocket"... are you saying a micro sander? Dremel? Please clarify as I have similar issues on my Carlton Corsair! As it's 42 years old I have reached the point where I was going to try some T-Cut treatment but I'm interested that you seem to be having success with aluminium foil, galvanic?
Hi BOBU sorry must have misread your message. Pocket rocket is a WD-40 alternative same sort of stuff basically a lubricant. The aluminium foil is soft and seems to work by removing very thin layers without scratching the paint. So all the rust bust though paint gets removed leaving often only a pinpricks of rust. Then treat the spots with some kind of rust converter. Often the spots are then turned black by this process. They are often surprisingly small so a coat of lacquer over the top seals the paintwork again and keeps the original colour with little pinpoints of black which are visible, so this is not a way to get a perfect finish but it is a way to have a largely original paint job or as someone called it a sympathetic restoration!

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