just been to the road section and...

I straddle both worlds with a road bike made by Orange, how retro roadie and MTB can you get?


I like bikes :D

Thus I go into all sections and i think it a good idea if everyone comes into General Chat as its the least anorak of all the threads just to touch base as they say ;)
legrandefromage said:
I straddle both worlds with a road bike made by Orange, how retro roadie and MTB can you get?


straddling could be painful. don't slip
Same place as every other area groups chat ;)

Plus anyone can chat in our section you dont need to be MacRetro though you might need a translator. :LOL:

Further, you'll find most of our lot in General Chat as much as MacRetro Chat. We just like to blether :LOL:
marin man":24a43n25 said:
But the burning question is..........................DO YOU WEAR LYCRA :LOL:

ha, absolutely not, i wear my fox mtb shorts, an old T and sport lushious hairy legs, lol. I will never join the lycra brigade im afraid :LOL:
macca85":3m52v7t1 said:
marin man":3m52v7t1 said:
But the burning question is..........................DO YOU WEAR LYCRA :LOL:

ha, absolutely not, i wear my fox mtb shorts, an old T and sport lushious hairy legs, lol. I will never join the lycra brigade im afraid :LOL:

lycra shorts and a roadie cycling top are a must. Which MTBers shave their legs