Jobs you love and jobs you hate


Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
MacRetro Rider
98+ BoTM Winner
What do you like doing and what do you not like so much? Whilst putting a bike together last night I realised cabling up is my worst. I have 3 bikes sitting near completion waiting to be cabled :oops: I got me thinking as to what I enjoy doing and I guess getting getting that wobble out of a wheel is up there. So what are yours?
Cabling is one.

Finding the right seatpost is another, doesnt matter who I ask or which veneers I use, always seem too big or small and I end up with extra seatposts to sell at a later date in odd sizes!
Indexing gears. That may be because I'm rubbish at it.

Especially the front as you have the added complication of making sure you have the correct BB size.
i hate building up canti's
big box full of bits ,select 4 of everything clean/polish assemble
then setting the buggers up

i know what you neam about cabling up a bike too but dont mind that so much
easier with the right tools and new cables
I wouldnt say dislaike... thats too strong, but the only job that irks me is setting up the front mech

Height, angle, cable tension, barrel adjuster. :evil:

Disconnecting a perfectly well set up and bled disc brake, in order to run through internal routing on a frame. Then having to do the whole connect, fill and bleed process again, and dot fluid is just nasty stuff.

I've an RC300 sat on my stand for the last month waiting for me to gather the energy to go through the god forsaken process.
I'm fine with everything, except balancing V brakes.

Twiddle the screw, brake, brake brake, check clearance... repeat ad nauseam.
getting the seat post at the correct hight & setting the stem centre. Takes me an age and the stem never looks centre :twisted:
I've just started building wheels again after a break of about 17 years. Turning a pile of bits in to a wheel is very satisfying!!!!! :D

As far as things I don't enjoy......greasing hub bearing kinda makes me loose the will to live!!!! :?
Keewee":21cjmtmr said:
As far as things I don't enjoy......greasing hub bearing kinda makes me loose the will to live!!!! :?

the whole process of cleaning, regreasing and adjusting hubs is one of my least favorite things..