Jax's 1991 GT Zaskar project *Finished*


BB: 68x122mm :)


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Haven't found the time for a good rub yet but couldn't resist a test patch.....

I think this is gonna come up quite well :)
All I'm using is some fine rubbing compound to start with, then anything that sticks out will have to be sanded - 1500/2000 grit paper probably.

Btw, I would like a set of Smokes on this ride but maybe a bitch or expensive to get hold of - any ideas for tyres? Must be from the period and gumwall/tanwall/skinwall (whatever you call it!).

Also, just bought my Chill Pills, so I'm happy and also negotiating some front SLR canti's.........

Charge splashbacks? Only 15 quid a pair on ebay. They're Modern tanwall tyres but who cares?
I Have hurt my face quite badly by Riding 'period tyres' in the past and would not recommend it. You can't take chances on safety

You mean blow outs? If so, thats my concern.
I have the Splashbacks on the Kona, they're decent tyres tbh so its possible.

I was hoping there were maybe some more reissues like the Smokes were?

I meant about sheer lack of grip, seeing as rubber perishes over the years. I bought a pair of original Michelin wild grippers on here for £40 (the green ones with amber walls) and not even a week later I was riding just along the pavement and I dropped down the curb when the front end of my gt xizang slid straight out. For no reason at all besides the fact I was riding 15year old tyres, but there was a broken bottle in the road just in front of me so I fell into that and ended up picking bits of glass and dirt out of my cuts with tweezers that night.... Well lesson learned, and I went out and bought a pair of brand new continentals that weekend.

Splashbacks seem like good tyres but it's a pity they only come in 1.8" or 2.1" because a 1.95" would probably be a good seller among people on here

Sean :cool:

Ah gotcha, yeah rubber either goes hard or crumbles.......or blows out.

I may well see sense a buy new like you said - the last thing I want to do is come off this bike, if I did I'd probably punish myself severly with the bike pump.

Hi Jaxon
There is a member in the UK (John ???smith maybe) who s selling reissued smoke tires in 2.1 and they are also available from a German bike shop aswell