Jax's 1991 GT Zaskar project *Finished*


Here's whats on mine right now.......

There may have been a switch over period on decals then maybe?
All I can say is, that mine are original and I have 'Competition Series' written on mine.
I also owned a '91 Zaskar from almost new back in the day and that also said the same.
I'll see if I can find some pics, maybe someone on here can shed some light on it :)

you could be right im no expert on gt's it was specialized stumpjumpers that held me in a trance back in the day :oops:
here's the for sale thread for the one i have:you can see the seatstay in one of the photos
probably good idea to get confirmation from a real expert
cheers :facepalm:

Wow, you're right :eek:
Well, I see yours is March '91 and mine is May '91 so maybe mine has the newer decals? or maybe it depends on whether its a genuine UK bike or an import?
Either way, its a bit of a shit for you as it may/will be difficult to get hold of that particular decal - may have to source it in the US.

Btw, remember to give me a shout if you're off loading any of the Zaskar parts ;)

Well that was a terrible hour.
Tried to remove both the crank caps - both of them had become part of the crank by means of corrosion so had to be completely destroyed and then I had to sit there with a small screwdriver picking out the small pieces still stuck in the threads.
Removed the crank bolt on the drive side, screwed in puller, no problems, tightened the centre bolt - strips the threads in the crank :roll:
Try the other side but the bolt won't come out and the bolt is starting to chew up - arghhhh!!

This thing obviously hasn't been off - think I'll have to take it into work, maybe use universal pullers on the crank? Failing that I'll just have to cut them off :eek:

I would just chop the BB but thats a sound component and should/could be XT so don't really want to sacrifice that.

I'll update once I've sorted this sh*t out :|

Don't wreck the bb if you can avoid it I've been looking for them all week and thought I had a deal on a 122.5 until the guy told me it's :twisted: 47 USD JUST FOR SHIPPING from Colorado to Toronto. There are plenty out there but most if them are over 100USD which to me is too much
Might look at modern Chinese junk if I can't find one soon :facepalm:
Re: Re:

Lord_fowl":1l234opt said:
Don't wreck the bb if you can avoid it I've been looking for them all week and thought I had a deal on a 122.5 until the guy told me it's :twisted: 47 USD JUST FOR SHIPPING from Colorado to Toronto. There are plenty out there but most if them are over 100USD which to me is too much
Might look at modern Chinese junk if I can't find one soon :facepalm:

I'm building a 93 at the mo & I'm sticking a cheapie on till I get an oe one!

Ps did 21 SL's come with gators?
Re: Re:

Lord_fowl":5qz4f84r said:
Don't wreck the bb if you can avoid it I've been looking for them all week and thought I had a deal on a 122.5 until the guy told me it's :twisted: 47 USD JUST FOR SHIPPING from Colorado to Toronto. There are plenty out there but most if them are over 100USD which to me is too much
Might look at modern Chinese junk if I can't find one soon :facepalm:

I'm resigned to cutting the cranks off but that's not too bad as I was gonna replace those anyway.
Whats bugging me is do I leave the BB or not? If I try and remove now and it does damage the frame, I can call quits on the whole project right now.
If I leave it, what if I have to replace it in the future and then I screw the frame up?

Just tried removing the chainrings and they aren't playing ball either :x
I'm just glad everything else came off ok!

On the decals front it's difficult to make out but the 91 catalogue shows a frame with decals like Lord_fowl's on the rear stay (can see better on the Xizang). The 92 catalogue shows the debut of the 'Competition Series' sticker.

http://www.retrobike.co.uk/gallery2/d/6 ... 91_USA.pdf


Not sure if it appeared late in 91 or if your May 91 frame was kept over until 92 models released (my Aug 93 is a 94 model). The top tube sticker also different, 91 say 'All Terra GT' in a line. 92 has 'All' above 'Terra' as in later models.

Its a difficult one and it depends on how exact Lord_fowl wants to be with his build.
Tbh, it would be fine having the 'Competition Series' like mine, and thats also what he's been supplied with anyway.
There's quite a bit of difference between the Zaskar decals used over the years.

I have an actual 1991 catalogue I just battled it out on eBay to get
Cost me over 40 USD to get into my hands it shows......just barely ..that it says gt triple triangle and not competition series.
I am willing to lend it out if anybody wants to see to for themselves but maybe we are both right because the zaskar was a frame only purchase??
Anyway if you want to borrow my catalogue just pm me