I've (re)touched Katy Perry's pants today


Retrobike Rider
I have just spent the last half an hour re-touching Katy Perry's pants.


Much more publishable now. :shock: I won't go into why they weren't before. :roll:

this thread is worthless without pics............. :LOL:
dyna-ti":29jo9c93 said:
kaiser":29jo9c93 said:
this thread is worthless without pics............. :LOL:

I think its very cruel an selfish to keep this artwork to yourself :cry:

i did consider it, but re-considered just in time. :LOL:

Beats the all time low of an afternoon removing the stubble from Marilyn Manson's chest and a close second of rebuilding the tattoo just above Jordan's bum because the stylist didn't notice that her M&S (yup - 'Your' M&S) label was sticking out of her G-string and covering it up. :LOL: