It's kicking off in London...

sgw":16firnas said:
This trolling lark, is it seriously being suggested that I take the time to post this stuff just to provoke people.

I think the accusation is being made in a cowardly attempt to avoid the issues at hand. (Is that trolling?)

You need to look up what a troll and a trolling thread is. This particular thread was posted to illicit responses from YOU (the trollee). I'm sorry if you're too caught up in composing your next witty socialist treatise to realize that.

dbmtb":16firnas said:
And if it's trolling - why are you feeding the troll?

Because I can?

The difference being, unlike others being led down the garden path, I am fully aware that I'm doing it.
Then you are admitting to deliberately provoking malcontent within the forums. That is deceitful and dishonest, you are in effect no better than a troll in your action.
silverclaws":2wgqh9uk said:
Then you are admitting to deliberately provoking malcontent within the forums. That is deceitful and dishonest, you are in effect no better than a troll in your action.

How you jump to that conclusion from what I wrote is puzzling, but one could say the same of the Marxist rhetoric you and sgw spew in here.
gibbleking":2dsd3h56 said:
its when they become soapboxes that they become something else...


gibbleking":2dsd3h56 said:
we need a face palm emoticon...much better than a winkie jobbie .

I would settle for the winking jobbie, it would be most appropriate given the amount of utter poo that has been written!
silverclaws":1pwmjt3p said:
What I find very interesting in this thread and others, is it is always the same pat back people that try to deny the words of others, as if they expect everyone else to have the same perspective as they.

Life is what it is, and despite all attempts to make it the best that it can be, shit happens and everything falls apart.

But I am finding the older we get, the more tired we get of the same 'ole, same 'ole attrition and as a natural defence, we retreat into a world where we believe what we want to believe and ignore anything that is in the least bit painful to bear or taxes the mind to worry. In short, we become complacent, the fight goes out of us and we just accept, anything for a quiet life.

But as we become complacent, others work against us and though it might not affect us in our apathy, the young will reap the rewards of our stupour as they find life that little bit more difficult than their fathers before, but they will do the same, a lifetime of vexation gives way to apathy and their sons will feel it more.

Life is what it is, we can make it or break it, it is up to us, but why chide those who still fight and try, just because we have lost the will and hope ourselves.

While in no way do I question your right to bang on about how negative and empty your existence is, I would ask you kindly to clarify who it is that you are talking for?

If it is only for your self, please make that clear.

No one is chiding anyone who is trying to do anything.

This is a cycling forum, no one is seriously here in the off topic area on a cycling forum trying to instigate social change or political unrest.

Is this genuinely how you see it?

No wonder the current generation are so apathetic, if it is now considered some form of protest to whine on about your problems or opinions on a message board about cycling.

This is the equivalent of spending weeks outside the shoe shop shouting loudly about the lack of free range sausages therein, whilst the butcher down the other end of the street is free to go about selling what they like.

I have spent my life so far as a political activist, on all sorts of issues, and I recognise here some of the traits of the stay at home complainers.

The 'what's the point, everything is crap' moaners do nothing for social change, nor do those who are obviously expending much energy and time in futile pursuits, dead ends such as non related message boards.

Do you think, SGW, that even one of those from these boards is going to join a protest or get involved in any way as a result of your input?

(Entitled as you are to carry on as you are...)

This board, being concerned with bicycles, is where many of us come during our 'down time' to relax and perhaps find something interesting about bikes.

No one should draw conclusions about what we get up to otherwise.

One reason you might not be hearing from many who share some of your views is that they are not here for that.

I am only a little left of the zeitgeist generally speaking, but I am extremely active in single issue politics.

There is no point in bleating about any of that here.

I share the opinion put forward earlier that there is something strange about spending so much time constructing very long posts on a totally unrelated website.

The strange aspect for me is that all that energy is essentially wasted.
Sh1t, is this sh1t still going? I'm calling the Guinness Book folks to see what the " Last-Word-Queen " record is.
This is a forum about old bicycles and " off topic " should about a good diet to get our old, fat @rses on those bikes or good camoflage techniques to hide yet another bike from the Sauron-like eye of our sweethearts.

( awaits the wrath of all protagonists for talking sense ) :LOL:
Which is precisely why I commented that this thread should have been locked ages ago.

As long as people keep replying to it, the nonsense will continue.