It's kicking off in London...

Neil":10z51uxh said:
gibbleking":10z51uxh said:
i was in tescos earlier....set fire to the place and threw high pressure containers from the rooftops because i was told i had to pay for my stuff..(just kidding) excuse for this behaviour...none at all...peaceful opposition not this kind of stuff....if someone did this to your car as a political gesture im sure the reactions would seems ok to pick on the tories as its all their fault(?) but the truth is nothing is free in life...does not give us the right to do this...the true protesters have my support...the black clad goons funded by groups who dont have the balls to stand up and show themselves get nothing from me but contempt..
I probably don't have quite the strength of feeling that you do, but I get the sentiment.

Anyways, colour me disappointed. Here you have students, supposedly in further education on the basis of intelligence and the development of their knowledge - and when they have issues they need to highlight, what metaphoric tool do they use - brain or brawn?

Sure, I get the - perhaps a bit specious - argument that without drama, nobody notices. But if this is an example of them brandishing their intellect, then colour me unimpressed. They should consider the hand that feeds them. I mean this is so not University Challenge. All they really need to think about is What Would Jeremy Paxman Say (/ Do).

And when middle England got put in the firing line, first, did Mums take to the streets overturning cars and putting shop windows through because child benefit is getting yanked from any family with a higher rate taxpayer?


C'mon students, show a bit of nouse, y'now that sort of thing the general public think should be being developed by further edumacation (in the words of Homer Simpson), to bastardise a quote - it's all about the voters, stupid.

I agree with you neil but the problem is that all students at uni.for the last few years have not been the brightest or the wealthiest,anybody can go because exams are so easy and credit was there for the taking,if you went back to pre. the easy finance years and pre the uni. seen as a right by certain elements of society,I dare say it would not pan out like it did the other day.
Interesting, now the cops are being slagged off for not stopping the violence and not expecting it, the Police minister is saying the cops will learn but something strikes me as important here with this situation. That thing is perhaps the cops couldn't be bothered coming out in force or stopping the yob kicking the window in in front of a bunch of photographers because they also have received cuts to their budget and job losses are expected. Maybe the moral is not there any more. I mean why defend the conservative headquarters when it is that party that has endangered your livelihood.

I suspect this demo is but the first of many and who knows maybe one day it will be the cops themselves joining in with the demonstrations.

Now, if the unemployed could get organised........

....but I expect not, for many of them the fight has gone.
gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
no excuse for this behaviour...none at all...peaceful opposition not this kind of stuff...
Can you suggest any gains by the people over the government which have been achieved by only peaceful protest?

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
if someone did this to your car as a political gesture im sure the reactions would change.
It would only be a political gesture if there was a political motive for it. Without a genuine political motive it would rightly seen as be vandalism.

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
it seems ok to pick on the tories as its all their fault(?).
It's ok to pick on the Tories because they are implementing the changes that are being proposed. Who else would you suggest? (apart from their lying traitorous LibDem supporters)

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
but the truth is nothing is free in life..
No one has said it should be free. The protest is against policies which will further exclude the children of less wealthy parents from higher education.

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
...does not give us the right to do this....
We have the right to do this because we all know that our governing elite (of all parties) have betrayed democracy and finaly arrived at a position where the people's voice is disregarded at will. They are not interested in anything apart from their own position of privilege and power and will attempt to maintain this position at any price. The Government has no mandate for the extreme and far reaching changes they are making.

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
the true protesters have my support.......
Who are you to decide who the "true protesters" are? Do you really care about their aims? Do you want them to be successful?

gibbleking":3mc28asm said:
the black clad goons funded by groups who don't have the balls to stand up and show themselves get nothing from me but contempt.

What is all this nonsense about funded by secret groups. There is no secret about it and it isn't necessary. They even climbed onto the roof to wave their flags ffs! There were many groups represented and they all have a high proportion of student members. Your media might want to hide the reality from you but there are many thousands of people in this country perfectly willing to fund there own struggle against the corrupt self seeking elite who rule over us and not for us.
Neil":3s8ukftw said:
And when middle England got put in the firing line, first, did Mums take to the streets overturning cars and putting shop windows through because child benefit is getting yanked from any family with a higher rate taxpayer?

And just how effective was that as a tactic?

Love em as I do, I don't think I will be taking any advice on political activism from some sort of UK version of Sarah Palin. ;)

Do you, like the Government, support only protest that is ineffectual?
So many systems in this country are broken that someone has got to sort it out,whoever that may be will always get the blame,maybe we should be looking at the last ten years which from what I see has a lot to answer for,and maybe the students should seek out mr blair or some of his cabinet ;)

The problem was started by somebody else and not the current tory/lib dem coalition,people have short memories :roll:

Who sold our gold reserves off for nothing :?:

Who accepted millions of migrant workers while we had millions sitting at home :?:

Who opened the uni. system up to people who will borrow but never pay back the student loans :?:

Who went to war and wasted billions in the process :?: and for what purpose :?:
Governments come and governments go the faces at the top change, but the only thing in government that does not change, is the civil servants who administer the lot. A job for life it used to be, a job doing not very much at all, boring some would say, but it was worth it for the superior index linked pension at the end of it all, I wonder how much the civil service is costing and can we afford them.
marin man":17aq90fr said:
So many systems in this country are broken that someone has got to sort it out

The problems obviously go back much further than you suggest.

Have we become so week and ineffective that we can only wring our hands and hope a bunch of over privileged, self indulgent millionaires will come and allow us the crumbs from their table.

Thats the sort of attitude that has got us into this position. It's time we took responsibility for our own lives and dispensed with the ridiculous idea of a benign elite.
sgw":qd7j3d3d said:
Have we become so week and ineffective that we can only wring our hands and hope a bunch of over privileged, self indulgent millionaires will come and allow us the crumbs from their table.

I think the labour govt. we have had messing our country up recently were mainly in the category above as well ;)

The problems began when the "working" classes forgot their place :shock:

(For working read = I am not working class.....I dont work :roll: Prescotts class system programme gave that precious insight)