Isle of Wight Seven Hills Killer


Devout Dirtbag
Hi, how about we raise a Retrobike posse for the Isle of Wight 7 Hills Killer? It's on 25th September. Check out Let me know if you're interested and we can all have a meet / bike appreciation at the start or finish. I'm gonna ride it this year on my Salsa Ala Carte. Cheers Rick
i did it years ago, quite a killer, only issue for me is that once you have done the 7 hills you finish at the opposite end of the island to where i need to be to get the ferry! which means riding back! :shock: and after those hills that's quite a ride! :shock:
Hi Jonnyboy, Yeah it starts in Freshwater and ends in Shanklin but if we get organized early we could make arrangements for guys to get back to the Yarmouth ferry. I think the organizers can arrange bike transfers. Or just come to to Island for the weekend and enjoy some of the many trails we have over here for the whole weekend !
Yeah, of course the 14 Hills gets you back to Freshwater for sure but that's one hell of a ride !! I've done the 7 Hills for the last six years. Every year I say to myself that next year I'll be fit enough to go for the 14 but so far I've never managed it. I think this year will be the 7 Hills again...............
I'll defo be doin 7 maybe 14 with a couple of mates and my bro, cant wait it would be rude not to form a posse :D
and i was wondering if i was the only islander on here, they're all coming out of the woodwork now :LOL:
You should get this moved into the Rides etc section, I don't hink you have an IoW section, but maybe if there are enough of you living there* and sombody willing to be a coordinator (AEC) then John might make you a section to organise retrorides.
He might not of course :LOL:

*which is probably a group of you ;)
good idea there must be enough of us to warrant having our own section, so thats 5 or 6 of us plus my brother who is a member here too and couple of mates of mine :D Richard i vote you for AEC you started this :LOL: a coordinator i am not :LOL: