Is my stem straight . . .?

I'm ok with stems.
Mine is brake levers on drop bars. No matter how much I faff, they are never level. If I use a spirit level, then it doesn't look or feel right, so I override the spirit level and back to square one
just for the record as a proof of my best attempt to contribute to this thread as much as I can :D
the stems on all my bikes MUST be slightly misaligned. I don't know why, but after realised that I 'need' this slight imperfection circa 25-30 years ago I always have to do it the same way. it is only a degree or two (don't think it is more than that) and strictly to the left side. strange, I know, but if a bike is not fitted to me like that, it never feels right. maybe I have an issue with my body balance or something like that.
funny thing that this doesn't interfer my - undiagnosed but clearly present - OCD. however, it took some time to accept...
That's definitely very weird.

I like it.
I'm ok with stems.
Mine is brake levers on drop bars. No matter how much I faff, they are never level. If I use a spirit level, then it doesn't look or feel right, so I override the spirit level and back to square one
Now brake levers - the Spirit level is relating to the ground not the bike!

We have a broom handle works (almost) perfectly for decades.
I would trust it with my life😍