Irrational behaviour - by-product of

I'm only too sorry to let you know that you're absolutely right about it. One month ago I was happily minding my own business, the day after I joined the forum, I started looking around for more bikes. Now I have bought two Yo Eddy's, several mystical (mythical even) bike parts, and I got myself my own decal. A Yo Eddy tattoo. What? I wasn't going to have one? Or was I. Dr Cycle and Mr. Crank? What? What?! :twisted:
it's only by sheer strength of will that i havent bought the DBR vertex that's in for sale at the moment
:oops: Well Yesterday I drove 192 miles each way to pick up a bike!! ha.ha

I blame Jerky myself .... I was alright to I saw him!!
Been a member a few months, spend too long reading the forum, collected nearly enough for a full retro build when I hardly get out on the bike I have and thinking about doing a very expensive course so I can build one myself - what is that about? Who gives a stuff? Makes me smile, distracts me from the other sh1t going on in the world and is better than drugs.

Irrational? Depends on your pov...
So is it any good?

I was put off by the rusty lookng bits!

Still has a wheel reflector, always a good sign.
hang on! the braze on looks wrong! Aaagh!

I think, and I do only think, that I might have a period LX mech of that type.

Will look in bits box.