
Flibble - Have you tried Valerian root on it's own, as opposed to being one of the ingredients in 5htp pills? I've used 5htp and although I slept well I had the mental dreams you talk about as well as sweating like a pig, although I just assumed that was my weed addled brain rousing itself back to life!!! I also found they only lasted the first few times I used it, with much more relaxing nights sleep after a little while.
rosstheboss":2v9h930w said:
Flibble - Have you tried Valerian root on it's own, as opposed to being one of the ingredients in 5htp pills? I've used 5htp and although I slept well I had the mental dreams you talk about as well as sweating like a pig, although I just assumed that was my weed addled brain rousing itself back to life!!! I also found they only lasted the first few times I used it, with much more relaxing nights sleep after a little while.

I haven't tried it on it's own no. I've been OK until recently breaking my collar bone and having to avoid sleeping on the side I usually favour, rolling over and constant pain has kicked it all off again. As I mentioned, the hop pillow worked for me, but then my casues were an over active mind, probably mainly due to pressure at work. For that, the hop pillow worked OK. For physical pain, it won't touch it (as with ME or Fibromyalgia I would immagine). It's odd but it's difficult for people to understand how dibilitating (sp?) a lack of sleep can be long term.