Import tax


Old School Hero
If I was to send a frame to the U.S.A for a repair,and they sent it back fixed,would I be taxed at all.

I know these questions get asked allot,but any help will be most appreciated. ;)
In essence, if done properly, you would only need to pay the VAT on the service performed including any repair material (as if you had it done domestically), and no duty or import VAT based on the item value. Not sure if the final price includes any shipping charges but I would guess so.

If the repair is done under warranty, you shouldn't need to pay anything. In both cases though, expect an handling
charge if you get a customs broker to help you - preferably with a fixed price rather than a %.
How stringent are they,will they inspect the item for said damage,and if the facts are true,or is it to much hassle for them to start opening boxes,what if I sent two frames together one for a repair,and the other for a custom spray job.
You would typically state the serial numbers - this is to simply verify that what goes out is identifiable and cross checked to what comes back in. They won't be picky about if it's a repair and/or spray job - it's a service. You could ask the seller to lump it all together under one line item on their invoice called "Bicycle Frame Service" and that should probably be sufficient.

Customs are free to open any box - but not all - they choose. Either by suspension or routine checks. In general, if your paper work is all in order there's nothing to be concerned about as it's procedure.

Pyro Tim is certainly more converse with the precise UK import and export details than I am, but above is pretty much the gist as it works all over the world.
They will probably just do a document check, but as Woz says, they can do a physical inspection. There will be a thorough document check though for this sort of thing, and they are more likely to do a physical inspection. I'd photograph it, and have the picture available, if requested.

Both the frame for repair, and the one for paint would come under OPR, as they are both being sent out for work to be done to them, so no real need for them to be lumped together. If I were you I'd speak to either your, or your works, normal forwarder for advice, as I assume they would be the ones doing the paperwork. The link I posted should help you through it though.