I'm going to throw something out there....JMC Content!


Senior Retro Guru
So, this bike that's up for auction...,hmmm just an idea but what about a syndicate purchase, where we could all own a piece of mtb history!? We could make an offer and see where we go from there?
Suggestions on how this could work would be great!

I can see where you are coming from but dunno if enough members will stump up the readies. Might be worth setting up an online petition to get some Lottery funding to buy it and instal it as an exhibit as part of our British Cycling heritage, eg at one of the Mountain bike parks in Wales or some such Cycling facility. I mean back in the day he was the British 'Tomac' and part of the renaissance of British Cycling along with Boardman et al.

Yes I think Jim was looking at those options originally before he started to sell the items on eBay, but insurance etc proved problematic. I still think that there would be enough of us to chip in to own the bike, like people do with planes, holiday homes etc, except with a lot less money in this case :LOL:

Right ok could do with giving this some more exposure, can some one in the know set up a poll or something - a way to guage interest and more importantly the amount people would consider contributing. Remember this aint gonna be cheap :LOL: but worth every penny!!
Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":2n93pcts said:
It means nothing to me, but I'll join in as long as I can blast it down a hill every now and then.

Preferably with Dave Hemming, Scott Dommett and Warner in tow ;) :cool: